All the Ways You Can Use Cannabis For Anxiety, Stress-Relief, and Overall Wellness

Apr 30 2018 - 10:21am

Fact: cannabis can be equally as great for both medicinal and recreational purposes, but the fact that it can get you high often discredits its many medicinal and wellness benefits. Once you get past the stigma [1] and recognize the plant for what it's truly capable of, there are endless ways to incorporate it into your wellness routine. Cannabis use doesn't start and end on the couch, as many misinformed people believe. In fact, it can enhance activities such as yoga or hiking [2] and even help you manage a debilitating mental health disorder [3]. It can be used as a social activity, a prebed ritual — the list goes on. Here are just a few ways you can tie weed and wellness together.

For Anxiety

For Relaxation

For Pain Relief

For Sleep

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