Why Karena and Katrina From Tone It Up Believe Weight Loss Starts in the Morning

Sep 28 2016 - 12:45pm

Considering their training backgrounds and nutrition expertise, we were surprised to learn that Tone It Up stars Karena Dawn and Katrina Scott's best weight loss tip was totally mental — and it starts in the morning!

Their key to weight loss success? While they emphasized the importance of nutrition and education, their best advice was to set the tone for your day by "putting yourself first, first thing in the morning," said Katrina. "Before you even check your emails!"

Those of you who are familiar with the Tone It Up program [1] are also probably familiar with Karena and Katrina's signature "Bootycall [2]" which is their early morning call-to-action, encouraging women to get up 20-30 minutes earlier than normal for a walk, run, or workout. This principle aims to set you up for a healthy day, and prioritize your health before time gets away from you.

"Put yourself first before the day gets chaotic, because as women we naturally nurture everyone around us," Katrina told POPSUGAR. "As the day goes, most likely we will book up our entire afternoon and evening with other people, other people's goals and priorities . . . because that's what we want. And that's not necessarily a bad thing!" But she and Karena reminded us again to prioritize our health, as it's the key to weight loss success [3]. "We want you to put yourself first, first thing in the morning." We couldn't agree more.

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