The Ultimate Guide to the Best Exercises to Help Reveal Your 6-Pack

Aug 1 2018 - 3:00pm

Your six-pack is on its way! The important thing to remember is that, as Jillian Michaels has said, "You can't spot-reduce fat [1]." You need to lose overall body fat to reduce your belly fat so you can show off your amazing abs. You can do this through diet [2] and cardio, specifically HIIT workouts [3]. While you're on your journey to get leaner, you still want to include these effective ab exercises to strengthen your core, and once your belly looks slimmer, you'll reveal your sculpted abs.

Shoulder Press and Side Crunch

Standing Side Bend

Low to High Woodchop

Overhead Circles

Standing Weighted Twist

High to Low Wood Chop

Reverse Lunge With Twist

Down Dog Abs

Plank With Bunny Hop

Plank and Rotate

Alternating Two-Point Plank

Ball Pike to Plank

Standing Ab Rollout

Ball Pass

Elbow Plank

Elbow Plank With Hip Dips

Twisting Side Plank

Leaning Camel


Crunchy Frog

Diamond Sit-Up

Butterfly Crunch

Reverse Crunch

T-Cross Sit-Up

Half Banana

Straight-Leg Sit-Up

Runner's Crunch

Pilates Roll-Down

Double Crunch Pulse With Medicine Ball

V Crunch

Bicycle Crunches

Scissor Abs

Oblique V-Crunch

V-Sit With Single-Arm Chest Fly

Seated Russian Twist

Dumbbell Crossover Punch

Tabletop to Reverse Pike

Lying Overhead Reach

Overhead Reach With Leg Lower

Coordination Fly

Resistance Band Flutter Kicks

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