You'll Love Showing Off Your Sexy, Toned Arms After Doing These 40 Moves

Jun 24 2018 - 1:45pm

Booty gains [1] and a flat tummy [2] are great and all, but don't forget about your arms! Strengthening your upper body will leave you feeling strong, confident, and sexy as hell. You don't need fancy equipment — many of these are bodyweight moves! Do them regularly and your right arm will be giving your left arm compliments like, "Damn girl, you're looking tight!"


Dumbbell Thrusters

Upright Row

Overhead Triceps Extensions

Bent-Over Row

Sumo Squat With Bicep Curls

Bicep Curl and Overhead Press


Wall Walk

Up-Down Plank

Reverse Lunge and Press

Plank Dumbbell Row

Skull Crushers

Plank With Bunny Hop

Donkey Kicks

Bent-Over Reverse Fly

Elbow Plank

Dolphin Dive

Lateral Wall Walks

Single-Leg Scarecrow

Ball Slams

Lying Chest Fly

Side Plank Leg Lift

Spider-Man Push-Up

Triceps Dips

Bridge With Chest Press

Lateral Plank Walk

Pilates Boxer

Overhead Shoulder Press

Handstand Against the Wall

Push-Up and Rotate

Man Maker Burpee

Triceps Press With Resistance Band

Plyo Push-Up Prep

Down Dog Push-Up

Plank With Shoulder Tap

Arm Circle Planks

The Bicep-and-Deltoid Squeeze

Diamond Push-Ups

Sliding Elbow Plank

The Ultimate Arm and Shoulder Workout

Not only will this strength-training workout target the arms, chest, shoulders, and back, but it will also challenge your core and balance. It's the perfect complement to a cardio workout, or try it on those days when you only have time for a quick workout. All you need is a set of light- to medium-sized weights.

10-Minute Workout to Tighten the Arm Jiggle

Here's a 10-minute workout to tone your arms with extra focus on the triceps. All you need is a set of lightweight dumbbells.

20-Minute Flat-Belly and Toned-Arms Workout

We're going to work your abs and arms with a bunch of multitasking moves that target both areas and more — all you need is a set of dumbbells between five and 10 pounds. Here's a printable PDF version of the workout [11] so you can take it to the gym.

10-Minute Workout For Sexy Arms and Sculpted Shoulders

Grab a pair of dumbbells — between five and 10 pounds — and get ready to work your arms, shoulders, and upper back.

Say Goodbye to the Jiggle With This Arm Workout

Here's a 10-minute arm workout from Anna Kaiser of AKT in Motion [12] (Kelly Ripa [13]'s trainer). You'll tone and sculpt sexy, shapely shoulders while working your entire body. Just grab a set of dumbbells, between three and eight pounds.

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