Here's Why Hormones Could Be to Blame For Your Nagging Headaches

May 3 2018 - 2:15pm

If you regularly suffer from headaches [1], you're likely constantly searching for a cure to bring you relief. If you haven't had any luck, it may help to get to root of the cause and determine if hormones are to blame.

According to Healthline, headaches can be caused by various factors [2], such as your genetics or even certain foods you eat. Fluctuating hormone levels can also contribute to constant headaches — also known as menstrual migraines. While it's normal for hormone levels to change during your period, as well as due to changing estrogen levels during pregnancy and menopause, they can make periods extra annoying. If you're on hormonal birth control [3], it's highly possible they can also add the nuisance of headaches to the mix.

Symptoms of hormonal headaches can include throbbing pain that starts on one side of the head, sensitivity to light, loss of appetite, vomiting, fatigue, acne, and joint pain. These headaches may also begin with an aura, or the perception of a strange light or smell.

So what can you do if you think hormones are to blame for your headaches? According to Mayo Clinic, you can try various remedies known to treat menstrual migraines [5], including applying ice to the painful area, over-the-counter pain relievers such as ibuprofen, or even acupuncture [6].

If you aren't already on oral contraceptives and thus know they aren't to blame for your hormonal headaches, they may end up being a helpful solution. As always, ask your doctor to help you determine what's best for you.

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