What Moms Have to Deal With When Working Out

Mar 14 2015 - 6:00am

Every mom deals with these when it comes to working out, whether her babies are crawling or running around.

Source: Thinkstock [1]

Simple exercises seem much harder after kids.

Source: Giphy [2]

This is the motto your bladder now lives by. Too bad you don't agree.

Source: E! Entertainment TV [3]

And speaking of leaking, nope, that's not your boob sweating. That's breast milk.

Source: ESPN [4]

And as if your increased flatulence wasn't enough.

Source: NBC [5]

Interrupted workouts are the norm. Heck, even your four-legged kid needs you 24/7.

Source: Giphy [6]

Whoever said exercise is like therapy was not lying. A workout wouldn't be complete without a crazy emotional outburst.

Source: Fox [7]

Your balance and coordination have regressed and are about as polished as your toddler's.

Source: Giphy [8]

You often raise your arms while strength training to realize you only shaved one armpit (hey, at least you shaved!).

Source: Fox Searchlight Pictures [9]

Nothing fits. Battling your sports bra and capris can be a harder workout than the actual workout.

Source: Giphy [10]

Why pay for a gym membership when you can lift or chase around one of your kids? Yep, your biceps are pretty impressive!

Source: Giphy [11]

Sometimes this is your biggest motivator: to never have to succumb to mom jeans.

Source: NBC [12]

Secretly, this is a close second.

Source: Giphy [13]

Falling asleep in yoga class is a given, and it doesn't even have to be Savasana.

Source: Giphy [14]

Ninety-nine percent of the time, this is what a post-workout shower looks like.

Source: Orion Pictures [15]

And for the other one percent, you prefer showering at the gym to get five glorious moments alone.

Source: Sony Pictures [16]

You secretly hate other moms who make losing their baby weight look this easy.

Source: Giphy [17]

And this is how you feel when you finally fit in a workout. It's a major accomplishment.

Source: Giphy [18]

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