If You Struggle to Lose Weight, There's a New Way to Help Shed Those Stubborn Pounds

Jun 7 2018 - 1:40pm

Losing weight could be hard and discouraging sometimes, causing many to take drastic measures to make the process easier. Well, what if there was a noninvasive way to get rid of those unwanted pounds? Our friends at YourTango [1] have exciting news about an alternative solution.

And it's easier than ever!

Losing stubborn fat can be very challenging for many of us. We try every fad diet, starvation and exercise but still don't see the results we are struggling for.

Whether you've given up or are in need of that extra "something" to stay motivated, you may find weight-loss hypnosis an extremely helpful tool to knock off those sticky pounds.

So what exactly is weight-loss hypnosis, and how can it help you lose weight — and keep it off?

Hypnosis is an altered state of consciousness. It is that relaxed state you enter into when you are daydreaming in class or a long meeting, tuning everything out, and entering into a deep level of thought.

Hypnotherapy works by modulating activity in brain regions that are associated with focus and attention. The hypnotherapist provides suggestions aimed at altering a person's perceptions, emotions, sensations, thoughts, and behavior to help you achieve your goals — like losing weight.

Weight-loss hypnosis has recently become a popular alternative to conventional weight-loss techniques.

During a hypnotherapy session, many individuals show alterations in brain activity in brain waves and neurotransmission.

The brain can maintain certain changes as a result of neuroplasticity [2]. With consistency in hypnotherapy, new patterns and habits form in the mind that can help you toward your weight loss goals. They can be healthier eating choices, an increased desire to exercise, or healthy new habits that help you lose weight more easily.

Weight loss hypnosis can help break certain unhealthy eating habits like emotional or depression eating, conditioning your mind to eat only when it's hungry.

There are also techniques like the "gastric band hypnosis" that helps us feel full after we have eaten just as if our stomachs have shrunk and can no longer eat as much.

Weight-loss hypnosis is a much safer solution than the actual surgery, without dangerous side effects involved.

One of the mechanisms of hypnosis is cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), in which you are hearing positive suggestions repetitively in association with weight loss. This helps you form new, positive thought patterns that help you lose weight, instead of continuing your negative self-sabotaging behavior.

If you've tried other weight-loss methods with no success, try looking inward and reshaping the way you think about food and exercise with weight0loss hypnosis.

If you are ready to become more healthy and fit, you can contact Deni Abbie [3] for a weight-loss hypnosis session today!

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