5 Key Yoga Inversions to Erase Stress and Boost Your Mood

May 2 2018 - 10:50am

Like a bad chain reaction, stress [1] and anxiety build up from your back to your shoulders and neck. So how can you relieve tension in these tight areas? Sometimes putting your heart above your head is just what you need to feel better. And in yoga, that's exactly what inversions are for. The movement of drawing yourself in can provide some mood-boosting benefits. A recent study from the Psychology, Health & Medicine journal shows that yoga postures can help reduce depressive symptoms [2] and psychological distress. Heather Peterson, chief yoga officer at CorePower Yoga [3] says, "[Inversions] draw your attention inward and ground you literally to your mat. It calms the mind and centers you for your yoga practice or anytime during the day." From Downward Dog [4] to Crow Pose, these beginner yoga inversions will help lengthen and improve circulation.

Directions: Move through each pose, aiming to hold them for three to five breaths.

Extended Child's Pose

Child's Pose is known as a reset in between yoga flows, but it's actually one of the most basic inversions. "With your knees wide and your head to the mat, your head will be below your heart, and you will be able to get the benefits of a calming inversion," Peterson says. You'll not only relieve "text neck [6]" by lengthening the muscles on the back of your neck, but you'll also help stretch your lats and inner thighs.

Downward Dog

When we're stressed, tightness can also surface along your serratus anterior, the serrated-shaped muscles below your shoulder blades. Downward Dog can help increase blood flow to this area, Peterson says. It can also lengthen your hamstrings and glutes and fire up your entire core.


A great way to practice balance with your arms, Crow Pose will help strengthen your shoulders and core, as well as open up your upper back. "This posture often leaves one with a sense of empowerment to be balancing on your hands. Arm balances and inversions change your perspective and mindset," Peterson says.

Forearm Headstand

As the ultimate inversion, a Forearm Headstand can help you learn how to use your breath, which is essential for reducing stress. While complete inversions can trigger fears of falling or being out of control, Peterson says it allows you to face them head on. "Feel free to use a wall to support you at first, then move further and further away as you breathe slow ujjayi breaths in the face of your fear and doubts," she says.


This advanced version of the Forearm Headstand allows you to practice to the same arm balancing skills you did in Crow. You can use a wall to help you get into the full range of the pose, then move away from it as you bring your pelvis over your hips and raise your bottom leg to meet your top one. "Remember to breathe slow ujjayi breaths in the face of your fear and doubts. Courage and present moment awareness are incredible skills to gain from inversions," Peterson says.

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