If You Want to Lose Weight, Follow This Dietitian's Simple and Satisfying Smoothie Hack

Jan 29 2020 - 6:25am

You can squeeze so much nutrition into a smoothie. You can include fresh fruit, seeds, and veggies, and if you throw in a little protein powder, smoothies make a satiating meal that's quick and delicious. But if you sip down your morning smoothie and it typically leaves your stomach growling an hour or two later, try this dietitian's hack — add oats to your blender!

Registered dietitian nutritionist and NASM-certified personal trainer Whitney English Tabaie [1], MS, recommends her clients eat more whole grains like oats [2] because "studies have shown that diets rich in whole grains help support weight loss [3] and reduce inflammation," she told POPSUGAR. "They provide a hefty dose of plant protein and fiber, which aids in satiety and helps balance blood sugar levels so you stay fuller longer."

Rolled oats [5] are a great source of slow-digesting carbs, fiber, and protein, all of which aid in that satiated-for-hours feeling. After grinding up a quarter-cup to half-cup of rolled oats in the blender, add the rest of your smoothie ingredients and blend until well combined. The result is a thicker, more fiber-filled smoothie that's sure to keep you feeling full well until lunch time.

If you want to prepare your smoothie the night before to save time and you prefer a more silky-smooth texture, try this banana oat smoothie recipe [6] that involves soaking the oats overnight. It offers 10 grams of satiating fiber and over 14 grams of protein, and it tastes thick and delicious like a milkshake!

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