Spare Your Arms: Light Up Your Abs With 19 Core Moves That Require No Planking

Mar 8 2020 - 2:55pm

We have nothing against planks (really, we don't [1]), but sometimes they're just not the move you want. Maybe your arms are sore [2] from a tough upper-body workout, maybe you're nursing a shoulder injury [3], maybe you just don't feel like getting on the floor and shaking for a minute straight right now. We feel ya, and we're here to help. You can work your abs to a burn even without this classic move, and the 19 moves ahead are proof! Roll out a mat and get ready to ignite your abs from every angle (besides, you know, a plank).

Dead Bug

Pilates 100s

Bicycle Crunches

Half Banana

Butterfly Crunch

Seated Russian Twist

Standing Weighted Twist

Pallof Press

Cable Crunch

Medicine Ball Slam

Overhead Circles

Low to High Woodchop

Dumbbell Crossover Punch

Overhead Reach With Leg Lower

Standing Side Bend

Farmer's Carry

Bottoms-Up Kettlebell Carry

Kettlebell Orbit

Bird Dog

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