I'm a Trainer, and These Are the Exercises That Will Help You Get Stronger in 2020

Jan 31 2020 - 11:50am

If your goal is to get stronger [1], there isn't one perfect exercise or workout that will help you achieve this goal, but you probably already knew that. But with that being said, there are movements I believe everyone should master to build foundational strength — the type of strength that will get you through your everyday life.

Ahead, I've curated a list of moves I think everyone should learn to feel stronger at the gym, but also when you're doing things like hiking, grocery shopping, moving furniture, and running. Some moves you'll love and others will challenge you, and that's OK.

Whether you add one move from this list or none into your routine, moving your body more will pay off in the long run mentally and physically. To be clear, these aren't the only exercises you should do while training to get stronger. In fact, I recommend learning other exercises and training techniques to prevent plateauing, but these movement patterns are the root to movements you do every single day. Check them out ahead.

Glute Bridge

This move may seem easy, but it's a great introduction to more advanced hip-dominant movements like the barbell hip thrust. This move will also help you activate and strengthen your glutes [3] and prevent lower-back pain.

Bodyweight Squat

Squatting isn't just a movement you do at the gym. Every time you sit down, you're performing squats, so it's important to master this move!

Basic Push-Up

As hard as they can feel, push-ups are a great move you can do anywhere for upper-body strength.

Overhead Shoulder Press

I always recommend adding push movements into your workout routine because, at some point in life, you're going to be pushing stuff vertically overhead. For example, when you put your carry-on bag in the overhead bin on an airplane.

Dumbbell Bench Press

The bench press is a horizontal push that you'll also benefit from learning, as you do movements like this when you push doors open.

Single-Arm Row

Adding horizontal pulling movements like the row into your workout routine are also a must. One of my favorites is the single-arm dumbbell row.

Bird Dog

You can never go wrong with strengthening your core, and one of the best exercises you can do for core strength is the bird dog.

Dead Bug

Another surprisingly hard core exercise you should consider adding to your routine for strength is the dead bug.

Barbell Squat

Once you've mastered the bodyweight squat, progress the movement with the barbell squat.

Bulgarian Split Squat

If you're really into challenging yourself and love when you feel shaky immediately after training, try the Bulgarian split squat. This move is great for targeting imbalances, and because it's an unilateral exercise, you're really going to feel your quadriceps and glute light up.

Plank With Knee Tap

If you've already mastered the plank, I recommend progressing to this move by adding knee taps to the movement.

Romanian Deadlift

The hip hinge (pushing your hips back) is a movement pattern that we naturally do, so it's important you're doing it correctly. One of my favorite hip-hinging movements is the deadlift.

Dumbbell Walking Lunge

Walking lunges are one of my favorite exercises because your legs and core are being worked, along with your balance. If performing this exercise with dumbbells is too challenging, start without dumbbells first.

Rotational Medicine Ball Slam

This medicine ball slam variation is an intense exercise that targets your core, and it will challenge those who are more advanced in their training.

Stir the Pot

If you're looking for a new, advanced move that's challenging, the stir the pot exercise will you give you a run for your money. It helps with core stability and will leave you sweaty in no time.

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