11 Muscle-Shaking Slider Exercises to Mix Up Your Home Workout Routine

I live in a small, thin-walled, thin-floored apartment, which means that when I'm working out at home, explosive jumping movements aren't the best idea. I've been struggling with any kind of dynamic moves, to be honest — anything more impactful than squat pulses or Russian twists seems to make my whole apartment shake.

Sliders, also known as disc gliders, are a good solution. Your foot, hand, or whatever's on the slider stays in contact with the floor the whole time, so you can move around freely without worrying about noise or impact. Not only that, but the addition of sliders makes many basic moves a LOT harder. I feel a ton of extra engagement in my core, and notice that I have to take moves a lot slower as I focus on dragging the slider around, which increases the burn in my working muscles. And the best part might be that, to do an exercise with sliders, you don't even need sliders. Two small towels on any hard surface will work just fine, or two paper plates on carpet. (If you do want the real deal, try this pair of sliders from Amazon.)

Check out our favorite slider exercises ahead, plus a bonus workout video to get you moving and sweating with the new moves!

Croc Walk With Sliders
POPSUGAR Photography | Tamara Pridgett

Croc Walk With Sliders

  • Grab a pair of sliders and put the hard side down on the ground. Place your toes on top of the sliders, and come into a plank position. Your wrists should be directly underneath your shoulders, and your back and neck should be in a neutral position.
  • Engage your abdominals as you move your right hand forward and simultaneously pull your entire body forward. Repeat this same movement with your left hand. This counts as one rep.
  • Continue to move forward with control for about 10 yards. Be sure to maintain a plank position throughout the entire motion, never rotating your hips and torso.
Mountain Climber Sliders
POPSUGAR Photography | Ericka McConnell

Mountain Climber Sliders

  • With sliders under your feet, start in a basic straight-arm plank position.
  • Then, as if you were actually running, pull one knee toward your chest, dragging your foot on your slider along the floor. As you push that leg back, pull the other knee forward.
  • This counts as one rep.
Plank to Bear
POPSUGAR Photography | Ericka McConnell

Plank to Bear

  • Begin in plank position with a slider under the ball of each foot.
  • Slowly bend both knees in toward the chest while keeping the arms straight and shoulders over the wrists, and maintain a flat, tabletop back.
  • Maintain a stable upper body as you push your legs back to plank.
  • This counts as one rep.
Oblique Tuck-Ins With Sliders
Megan Roup

Oblique Tuck-Ins With Sliders

  • Start in a plank position with your hands directly under your shoulders and sliders under the balls of your feet. Your right ankle should be crossing over your left.
  • Keeping your core engaged, tuck your knees toward your left elbow.
  • Extend your legs back out behind you to return to the starting position.
  • This counts as one rep.
Slider Ab Burnout
Tone It Up

Slider Ab Burnout

  • Begin in a plank position with your hands on the ground and a slider under each foot.
  • Maintaining a straight line from head to toe, engage your core and slide your right foot in toward your chest.
  • Slide your left foot to meet your right. Then, slide your right foot back to start position, followed by your left.
  • This counts as one rep.
Advanced Mountain Climbers With Sliders
Megan Roup

Advanced Mountain Climbers With Sliders

  • Start in a traditional plank — shoulders over hands and weight on your toes — with sliders underneath the balls of your feet.
  • With your core engaged, bring your right knee forward to the inside of your right elbow, then slide your right foot under your body, and straighten the right leg. Your pelvis will twist a bit to the left, too.
  • Bring your right leg back to a tucked position at your chest, then return to your basic plank. This counts as one rep.
Plank Slide-Out
Tone It Up

Plank Slide-Out

  • Begin in a plank position with a slider under each hand.
  • Keeping your hips square and abs engaged, slide your right hand forward a couple inches, then back to start position.
  • Repeat on the other side.
  • This counts as one rep.
Pike Ups With Sliders
Megan Roup

Pike Ups With Sliders

  • Start in a plank position with your hands directly under your shoulders and sliders under the balls of your feet.
  • Do not allow your lower back to arch. Keep your feet, pelvis, and shoulders in one long line. On an exhale, pull your abs deeply to your spine and use your abs to fold your body in half, pulling the sliders forward toward your hands as your pelvis moves up in the air.
  • Lower yourself back into a plank position, and do not allow your pelvis to sag below your shoulders. This is one rep.
Slider V Pulse
Tone It Up

Slider V Pulse

  • Begin seated on the ground with knees bent, feet together, and a slider placed in between your toes.
  • Place your hands on the ground behind you, elbows bent, and lean your upper body back to about 45 degrees.
  • Lift your feet about six inches off the ground.
  • Pulse your knees in toward the right side of your chest, then toward the left.
  • This counts as one rep.
Slider Lateral Lunge
Tone It Up

Slider Lateral Lunge

  • Start standing with feet hip-width apart and a slider under your right foot.
  • Lower into an athletic stance with a flat back and booty back.
  • Keeping your left foot planted, slide your right foot out to the right until it's fully extended — avoid locking out.
  • Slide your right foot back in to complete one rep.
Slider Lateral Push-Up
Tone It Up

Slider Lateral Push-Up

  • Start in a push-up position with a slider under each hand.
  • Engaging your core with hips square to the ground, slide your right hand a few inches to the right and complete a wide-arm push-up.
  • Slide your right hand back to start position, then repeat on the left side.
  • This counts as one rep.
  • To modify, drop to your knees and perform the same move detailed above.
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30-Minute Cardio Dance and Sculpting Workout With Sliders

Put it all together with this sculpting cardio dance workout from Megan Roup, ACE-certified personal trainer and founder of The Sculpt Society.