8 Free Meditations For Sleep to Finally Quiet Your Racing Thoughts

Mar 5 2024 - 10:35am

Just because your body is tired, doesn't mean your brain is ready for bed. If your mind is still racing hours after your head hits the pillow, a nighttime meditation might be the answer. According to our sleep experts, free meditations for sleep can help relax both the mind and body, reducing anxiety and slowing down any recurring thoughts for a better night's rest [1]. Whether you want to unwind after a long day of work, focus on mindfulness, or wake up ready to take on the day, these free meditations for sleep are all great places to start. Plus, you don't need extensive experience to effectively meditate yourself to sleep. Read on to learn more about the benefits of nighttime meditation, beginner-friendly meditation tips [2], and free meditation videos you can use for better sleep. Just don't blame us if you start dozing off before the end of the meditation.

Benefits of Meditating Before Bed

Meditation before bed, especially when it encourages more mindfulness, is proven to help with insomnia [3], according to Harvard Medical School [3]. Considering that many sleep disorders are at least partially connected to stress and anxiety [4], taking the time to meditate before bed can also make it easier to fall asleep and even stay asleep for longer. At the end of the day, when many of us are still unintentionally tensing our muscles or trying to process our thoughts, meditating before sleep can be conducive to a better pre-bedtime headspace, says Mike Gradisar, PhD [5], head of sleep science at Sleep Cycle [6]. "Meditation can give us that space to notice [that] these factors are still hanging around in the evening," he tells POPSUGAR. "As such, we can begin to relax our bodies and our minds before we try to fall asleep."

How Does Meditation Help With Sleep?

Meditations for sleep work to relax the mind and body while decreasing anxiety. Dr. Gradisar specifically suggests trying a guided meditation that emphasizes mindfulness. "Meditations that help to bring our thinking back to the present, back to our breath, are very helpful," he explains. Meditation tools such as breathwork [7] can shift the nervous system out of its sympathetic fight or flight mode, allowing the parasympathetic nervous system to take over. Another study found that meditating also improved the overall quality of sleep [8] for people with sleep disturbances. Of course, while meditation can serve as a useful transition for bed, it's not a surefire solution for sleep disorders [9]. If you're concerned about the quality of your sleep, contact your healthcare provider for the best personalized medical information.

What Kind of Meditation is Best For Sleep?

The specific sleep meditation you listen to is totally up to you, but some of our favorites include guided meditations with visualization techniques, body scans, and deep breathing techniques. "In our own research, we found that people who used a 15-minute mindfulness body scan around their bedtime took half as long to fall asleep after one week of use," Dr. Gradisar says. "Their average time taken to fall asleep was initially 50 minutes, and by the end of the week, it was around 25 minutes, and it reduced even further after two weeks of practice." Find more of the best free meditations for sleep below.

20-Minute Guided Sleep Meditation

This is the perfect introduction to sleep meditation, guiding you into a calmer state of mind in just 20 minutes. The video will encourage you to release tension, relax your body, and become more mindful of your breath. "This literally makes me fall asleep within five minutes then wake up so early," one commenter wrote. "This is the best meditation video ever."

Sleep Talk Down Meditation

Jason Stephenson walks you through this guided sleep meditation, using visualization techniques to help you release any residual stress or worries. "I usually end up waking up in the middle of the night — these just help me keep my mind off of things," one commenter wrote. The meditation also offers several positive affirmations to focus on, as well as calming music that continues well after the verbal guidance ends (for anyone who happens to be on the verge of sleep).

Guided Body Scan Meditation

As one of the techniques most highly recommended by Dr. Gradisar, this body scan is a great way to facilitate mindfulness. Body scans can also be a great grounding practice [11] for anyone dealing with heightened anxiety before bed. "I have insomnia and this really helps me, I absolutely love this video," one commenter confirmed.

Bone-Deep Breathing Meditation

This restorative meditation wants you to feel the relaxation all the way in your bones. You'll start with deep breathing to trigger your parasympathetic nervous system, with prompts and calming music throughout. "If you're struggling with deep relaxation and letting go in your mind and body then keep going with deep meditations like this and it will become so much easier over time," one commenter promised. "Give your mind and body a chance to relax and let go."

Deep Relaxation Meditation

This meditation begins in a seated position. You'll work on deep breathing, exhaling any stress and releasing tension. The video also encourages awareness and mindfulness, helping you become relaxed and shed any anxiety before bed. "When we feel stress or anxiety, our bodies hold onto these emotions as physical tension, and it makes it harder for us to relax and sleep well," video creator Lavendaire explains. "Every night, make time to clear your mind and relax your body."

New Beginnings Sleep Meditation

Geared towards new beginnings, this guided deep sleep meditation is specifically designed to support healthy habit change. The video invites you to turn your attention inwards, noticing your breath and releasing tension muscle by muscle. "This audio is magical, it's like a healing balm on my forehead," one commenter wrote.

Overthinking Sleep Meditation

If you have a tendency to overthink, this meditation might make it easier to let go. "Often, when we try to resist something, it only persists," says video creator Michelle's Meditation Sanctuary. "So I encourage you to acknowledge any thought or feeling that pops up, give it the attention that it requires, and then let it go."

10-Minute Sleep Meditation

If you're looking for a quick way to relax before bed, this 10-minute meditation is your answer. You'll use deep breathing to help ground yourself and give your mind permission to rest. "I'm doing this every night before going to sleep for almost a week now, and my sleeping quality has improved so much," one user wrote. "I fall asleep more easily and wake up feeling more rested."

Chandler Plante [12] is an assistant editor for POPSUGAR Health & Fitness. Previously, she worked as an editorial assistant for People magazine and contributed to Ladygunn, Millie, and Bustle Digital Group. In her free time, she overshares on the internet, creating content about chronic illness, beauty, and disability.

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