Even If You're Vaccinated, This Google Doodle Cutely Reminds Us That Masks Are Still a Must!

Apr 6 2021 - 7:30am

As more and more people are getting vaccinated against COVID, the Google Doodle posted today wants to remind everyone that masks are still important! That's because experts aren't 100 percent sure if the vaccine prevents people from being able to spread coronavirus, so wearing a mask is still a must. In this Twitter post [1], there's a link to these tips from the CDC [2] which states, "Wear a mask. Save lives. Wear a mask that fits well with no gaps. Stay at least six feet from others. Avoid crowds and poorly ventilated spaces. Get a vaccine when it's available to you." We can do it! Hang in there with these recommended guidelines, so we can keep everyone safe!

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