Want a Better HIIT Workout? This Warmup Will Get You There

Dec 12 2019 - 11:40am

Athletic woman with smartwatch listening to music and doing jump squats on urban stadium stands

Considering the acronym HIIT stands for high-intensity interval training, it should come as no surprise that HIIT workouts are, well, actually intense [1]. But before you give it your all — and believe us, you will — it's important to prep your body for the work ahead with a proper warmup.

"Often the most overlooked thing when it comes to high-intensity workouts is preparation through mobility and activation, so our bodies are appropriately ready for the demands to come," Kirsty Godso [2], a Nike Master Trainer, explains.

And the demands of HIIT are real with short bursts of activity [3] — think squat jumps, burpees, mountain climbers, and more — and brief moments of rest before you move onto the next move.

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"We expect to throw our bodies straight into their max capacities and want max results, however, we'd be getting more out of it if we took an extra 10 minutes in the beginning to warm up properly."

To Godso, this means opening up your hips, shoulders, wrists, activating the glutes and the core, as well as upping your body temperature with bodyweight exercises.

No matter what warmup or stretching routine you follow, Godso says you should feel your glutes and core working for you in full-body movements and your body should feel more fluid.

"Think about your warmup as greasing the oven tray. You're going to be able to cook faster and more effectively and without having as much mess to clean up after — an effective warmup will improve your workout and your recovery!" Godso says.

Not sure where to get started? Check out a few of Godso's favorite pre-HIIT warmup drills and stretches below.

Pec and Shoulder Opener + Core Activation

In addition to pre-HIIT, Godso says this is also a great sequence to do after flying or after a long day.

Full Body Roll-Up

"This is great to mobilize the spine and get your lower abs working!" Godso notes.

Dead Bug

Flipped Wrist Cat Cow

Kneeling Glute Activation

Starting on all fours — knees under hips, hands under shoulders, neck neutral — flow through the below sequence one side at a time. Then, switch legs and repeat the circuit.

Fire Hydrant

Giant Forward Circles

Giant Reverse Circles

Click here for more health and wellness stories, tips, and news [12].

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