6 Leg Moves You Can Do Sitting at Your Kitchen Table

Apr 14 2020 - 8:00am

leg exercises using kitchen chair

Like many, my everyday routine looks a lot different these days. In a matter of a week, I went from walking over two miles to and from work, bouncing all over town for dinners, and training for a number of races.

Now, my races are canceled, I have my groceries delivered, and my longest walk is from my bedroom to my kitchen, which in a New York City apartment can be done in approximately half a second. And although my routine looks a lot different these days, my drive to get moving hasn't gone anywhere. I still find myself donning my go-to fitness apparel such as dual-purpose pants like the UA RECOVERâ„¢ Knit Pants [1] ($80) that can take me from work call to workout quickly, and wanting to burn off some extra energy.

Yet as motivated as I am, I've started to feel like my jaunts from the bedroom to kitchen aren't quite enough to fuel my desire to stay active and strong. However, as it turns out, heading to my kitchen is just the answer for my next workout.

Nick Tadlock, CSCS-certified personal trainer at Anytime Fitness [3], explains that kitchen chairs are some of the most accessible props for tackling at-home workouts using only your body weight. "Chairs and tables help add stability, while allowing you to maintain form and make the most of every exercise move," he adds.

To help me burn off a little extra energy, Tadlock shared six moves that target those stiff legs that have been sitting all day and only require the assistance of a kitchen chair. The best part: You can complete them all as a flow or pick and choose your favorites. I'll be trying a few reps of a single move each time I head into the kitchen to add in several mini workouts throughout the day.

Keep reading to see the six leg exercises I'll be adding to my next trip to the kitchen.

Chair Plank

Use the seat of the chair to rest your forearms. Keep your back straight and your core engaged throughout the plank. Hold for as long as you can and repeat as necessary.

Triceps Dips

Scoot your bum to the edge of the seat. While gripping the edge of your seat, walk your legs a few feet out in front of the chair. Lower your bum and engage your triceps, then push up to straight arms. Lower again and repeat.

Extended Boat

Sit on the edge of your seat. Reach your legs straight in front of you — lean back and stabilize. Use your core to lift your straightened legs, hinging at your hips. Lower your straightened legs and repeat.


Stand up in front of your chair making sure to keep your core tight and back straight. While keeping your weight in your heels, sit back into a squat position. Use the chair seat as a reference point to make sure you're sitting back far enough. Raise up and repeat.

Toe Raise

Use your table for stability by placing your fingertips on the table top. Use your calf muscles to bring your weight and balance on your toes. Lower and repeat.

Single Leg Squat

Stand several feet in front of the seat of your chair. Reach one leg back and prop it up on the chair seat. Lower your bum into a single leg squat position. Using your glutes, push up and repeat. Alternate sides to complete the flow.

Note: These workouts should only be done using a sturdy chair on a flat surface to avoid injury.

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