Sculpt Your Lower Abs With a 5-Move Home Workout by Fit Body Trainer Nicci Robinson

Apr 14 2021 - 9:45am

Feel like working your lower abs [1]? Great choice. Beyond the aesthetic pros of sculpting that region of your abdominals, there are real physical benefits that can make a difference in your day-to-day life.

For one thing, strong lower abs can help you "will reduce lower back pain and help functionality and posture," said Nicci Robinson, an ACE-certified trainer for Fit Body [2]. You can especially feel the difference on moves like the "good morning [3]," Robinson told POPSUGAR, which require strength in the lumbar (or lower) region of your back. These kinds of exercises "can cause strenuous lower back pain [4] if the lower lumbar and lower abdominal region is weak," she explained. "Strengthening the lower abdominal region will minimize the risk for pain and injury."

And good news: you don't need a ton of equipment to strengthen this crucial area of your core, and Robinson created this five-move lower ab workout to prove it! Check out all the details ahead, including step-by-step instructions for how to do each move. Then lay down your mat or find some comfy floor and get ready to fire up your lower abs!

Bodyweight Lower Ab Workout

Equipment needed: none.

Directions: Do 20 reps of each exercise, moving from each move to the next with no rest in between. After the fifth move, rest for 90 seconds, then go back to the first exercise and repeat the set for three rounds total. You don't need to warm up for this workout, Robinson said, but she recommended cooling down afterward with oblique [6] and abdominal stretches [7].

Flutter Kick

Leg Raise on Back


Bicycle Kick

Reverse Crunch

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