Nicole Scherzinger's Dumbbell Strength Workout Is the Fastest Way to Work Your Whole Body

Feb 21 2023 - 2:30pm
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Pussycat Dolls lead and "The Masked Singer [3]" judge Nicole Scherzinger is no stranger to a tough workout. She's been posting snippets of her fitness routine on her social media accounts for years. On Feb. 20, Scherzinger posted a video [4] of her latest workout to Instagram, full of complex moves that are totally worth stealing for your own routine — not to mention, the video features a celeb cameo. In the background, it looks as if Larry David [5] is pumping some iron, too. (That's yet to be confirmed, but it's either a look-alike or David himself.)

Watch the video to spot David's doppelgänger, but also to snag some inspo from Scherzinger for your next strength workout. In the video, the 44-year-old powers through seven different impressive total-body exercises as well as a round of treadmill sprints. In all, it's an efficient functional strength workout (i.e., great if you're pressed for time), says Melody Zoller, trainer for Obé Fitness [6]. Not to mention, it targets both strength and cardio in the same session and utilizes conditioning to improve your overall capacity for work and ability to recover effectively, she says.

The magic behind this workout is in the fact that all the strength moves are compound exercises [7]: an exercise that works multiple large muscle groups, thus recruiting a lot of muscle fibers and also putting greater demand on the body. Not only are they all compound moves, but they're nearly all complex exercises as well: a hybrid of two different exercises, so you're getting the benefits of both at once. For example, Scherzinger does a glute-bridge chest press [8], which combines a glute-bridge exercise (working the glutes, hamstrings, and core) with a chest press (which works the chest and triceps).

This is great for hitting your whole body in less time and making your strength sessions more intense without adding a lot more weight. The downside, however, is that when you're doing multiple movements at once, it can be difficult to focus on your form. For that reason, this probably isn't a workout to tackle if you're totally new to weightlifting. (No worries: we have a beginner-friendly weightlifting workout program [9] for you.)

But if you're ready to try Scherzinger's workout for yourself, Zoller organized the celeb's moves into a circuit workout you can easily re-create if you have some equipment. "Think about using weights that are challenging but [with which] you can still execute with good form and still have two reps left in the tank," she says. Let's get it.

Nicole Scherzinger's Total-Body Dumbbell Workout

Equipment needed: a set of light- to medium-weight dumbbells, a medicine ball, and a workout mat (or a soft floor) to cushion your knees

Directions: First, do a a quick warmup [11]. Then, begin Set A. Do each exercise for 10 to 12 reps, then move on to the next move in the set. Repeat the whole set three to four times before moving on to the next set. Finish with treadmill sprints, then cool down with this 10-minute stretch [12].

Set A: Squat and Arnold Press

This move combines a classic squat with an Arnold press [13] — a rotating shoulder press — which makes it a near-total-body move.

Set A: Lateral Lunge With Bicep Curl

This lateral lunge [15] works your inner and outer thighs, glutes, and hamstrings. Not to mention, it'll help you become stronger and develop more mobility in this range of motion since it requires some flexibility. The added bicep curl at the top recruits the front of your upper arm, too.

Set A: Dumbbell Snatch to Reverse Lunge

This is the first move Scherzinger shows in her Instagram video. Dumbbell snatches [16] are a somewhat complicated move, so work on mastering that before trying this hybrid move. If you're a beginner, you can nix the snatch and simply do a bicep curl and shoulder press [17] with a reverse lunge instead.

Set B: Glute-Bridge Chest Press

As noted above, this glute-bridge chest press [18] combines a glute-bridge exercise with a chest press to become a near-total-body exercise.

Set B: Half-Kneeling Medicine-Ball Slams

This half-kneeling version of a rotational medicine-ball slam [19] will work all 360 degrees of your core, as well as your shoulders, back, and chest. Since you're in a half-kneeling position (i.e., kneeling on one leg), it'll also challenge your balance and stability.

Set B: Kneeling-Squat Shoulder Press

Kneeling squats [20] — following a similar movement pattern as a regular squat, but done while kneeling on both legs — force you to focus on your hips. Because of that, they work your glutes even more than a regular squat. Adding a shoulder press to the movement gets your upper body and core in on the action, too.

Treadmill Sprints

Zoller recommends hopping on a treadmill and doing 30-second sprints (at an 8-10 RPE, aka rate of perceived exertion) followed by 30 seconds of walking for eight to 10 rounds.

If you don't have a treadmill, she recommends swapping the sprints for "simple bodyweight movements, such as jump squats, high knees, burpees, jumping rope, or jumping jacks," she says, and following the same interval structure. "Just make sure you're going all out in the 30-second working sections."

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