Cardio Doesn’t Have to Mean Going For a Run — Take This Home Partner Workout as Proof

Apr 24 2020 - 5:30am

Couple tying shoes

Let's clear something up — cardio workouts [1] aren't solely reserved for the elliptical, treadmill, bike, track, nature trail, or open road.

Aerobic exercises [2] also fit the bill, and lend themselves well to partner workouts. Why not get the entire household active at one time?

Recruiting a teammate should be a breeze thanks to the following duo circuit [3] by Dan Jonhenry, an ACE-certified personal trainer and the director of Fitness at Retro Fitness [4].

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He challenges [5] you (and your plus one) to complete three to five rounds of his regimen, allowing for 40 seconds of rest between each set.

Plank High Fives

Partner A and Partner B: Get into plank positions (your weight should be on your hands and feet) while facing each other. Use the same hand as your partner and give each other a high five. Simultaneously alternate hands for 40 seconds.

Mountain Climbers and Wall Sits

Partner A: Get in plank position and perform mountain climbers [7] until you complete 50 reps.

Partner B: With your back against a wall, get into a squat position with your legs at a 90-degree angle. Extend your arms forward and hold until Partner A completes the mountain climbers.

Partner A and Partner B: Once Partner A finishes mountain climbers, switch roles.

Jump Squats [9]

Partner A and Partner B: Get into a squat position while facing one another. Both partners burst up from the squat into a jump and high five while in the air.

Partner A and Partner B: Repeat for 20 reps.

here for more health and wellness stories, tips, and news [10].

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