These Women Lost 100+ Pounds and Have the Before-and-After Pics to Prove It

If you're on your own weight-loss journey, a journey to a healthier, stronger you, it's not an overnight thing. It can take several months or years to transform your mind and body, so it's helpful to have a little inspiration along the way to keep you motivated and stay on track. Check out these incredible before-and-after photos to feel instantly inspired.

Down 140 Pounds

350 Pounds Lost

110 Pounds Lost

Down 200 Pounds

130 Pounds Gone

165 Pounds Lost

Down 189 Pounds

Lost 110 Pounds

162 Pounds Lost

Down 121 Pounds

235 Pounds Gone

Lost 120 Pounds

105 Pounds Lost

Dropped 180 Pounds

Lost 160 Pounds

Down 157 Pounds

175 Pounds Lost

Lost 216 Pounds