On a Weight-Loss Journey? Find Inspiration in These 100-Pound Weight-Loss Transformations

If you have a lot of weight to lose, find instant inspiration in these amazing transformation photos. They prove that although the journey to losing 100 pounds isn't easy, and takes extreme dedication and commitment, it is totally possible — as long as you believe in yourself and don't give up. Scroll through and prepare to be floored!

"Seeing my progress will never get old to me. I have worked so hard for this. And still working to create the best version, mentally and physically, of myself."

"#100poundslost #unstoppable"

"A lot can change in a year if you stay consistent."

"I still don't 100% believe this, but I stepped on the scale at least 50 times and it said the same number everytime. I needed this good news to redirect my motivation this week! So, I've officially joined the #100lbsdown club!!!! 100.6 if we wanna be exact."

"Thanksgiving 2018 to end of July 2019. Subtract over 100 lbs, add a new mindset, and sprinkle in a fantastic hobby."

"At one point the picture on the left was my 'after' picture, which is wild to think about. It was taken on the 4th of July last year and I had lost 50 pounds already.

Now, it's been a little over a year later since that photo and since then I have lost another 50+ pounds! Currently at 107 pounds lost total, and have gone from a size 22/24 to a size 10."

"You can get upset, you can feel sad, mad, fed up. But how you deal with it is what determines your strength."


"Strength training and eating clean is the best way to fast track your weight loss." Instagram user @j.uulaysjourney credits her coach Jordan Eastman for helping her drop over 120 pounds.

"Once I started loving myself and respecting my body, I felt my attitude toward my life change. I wanted to work out again. I wanted to eat healthy. I started to realize that my body deserves this and I need to love and respect myself."

"Anyone who says weight loss surgery is the easy way out, don't bother being my friend. This is the hardest and the last resort for most of us who have undergone surgery, and it shouldn't be as taboo as it is."

"In 2018 I could barely walk a mile without being winded and in pain. Now, I can run a mile in about 13 minutes and my pace just keeps getting better."

"This morning I took my boys for a 4 mile run in the double jogger. I kept thinking how insanely hard it is to push their combined 70 lbs when I used to walk around with 110+ lbs on my body every single day. It's nothing short of miraculous what our bodies are capable of. Sometimes it makes me truly sad to think about how poorly I treated it for so long. I refuse to take it for granted any longer. Every day I celebrate my health and capabilities."

"I will continue to do intermittent fasting for life. It's the easiest, most sustainable thing I've ever done. Not just for weight loss either. If I never lost another pound, I'd still continue because I've never felt better in my entire life. I have more energy, more focus, and more stamina than I've ever had before. It's truly been a game changer for me."