Megan Lost 60 Pounds in 3 Years with Healthy Eating, Exercise, and the 75Hard Challenge

Megan Converset

If you're looking for a little motivation to stay strong on your health, fitness, or weight-loss journey, check out 27-year-old Megan Converset and her amazing transformation. She lost 60 pounds over three years with healthy eating and workout habits, and a 75Hard challenge thrown in there! Keep reading to learn all about her journey and the advice she has for you.

Megan's Journey Begins

Megan's health and fitness journey started in 2018. She was 24 years old, but felt much older physically, which was a catalyst in her decision to taking steps to live a healthier life. "I was tired of feeling sluggish ... and rundown all the time. I knew there was no reason I had to feel that way at 24," Megan said.

Megan was around 195 pounds at her highest weight (she's 5'2" for reference), and shared, "I packed on quite a bit of weight around age 21 while going through a difficult time in my life, where I turned to food for comfort."

As of now, she's lost 60 pounds total from her highest weight, and it took her a little over three years.

How Megan Lost the Weight

Megan started her journey by eating healthier and working out. Then in 2021, she decided to do the 75Hard challenge, and completed it on March 25th. If you're not familiar, it's 75 days long where you commit to doing two 45-minute workouts each day (one has to be outdoors), sticking to a diet (which includes no alcohol or cheat meals), drinking a gallon of water, taking a daily progress photo, and reading 10 pages of a nonfiction book.

"I wanted to do the 75Hard challenge because I'm a notorious quitter when things get hard, and I wanted to break that cycle and prove to myself that I can accomplish hard things, that deep down somewhere I have the grit to keep going and not give up on myself," Megan shared. Megan said the hardest part for her was probably the diet. No chocolate, sweets, or treats for 75 days straight was definitely tough, but said it did break the thought pattern she had around treats as rewards or for coping. For example, thinking, "I've had a bad day so I deserve a cookie or pint of ice cream."

The easiest part was the progress picture every day. She made it part of her morning routine in the same spot and same time everyday. "Throughout this mental toughness challenge, I realized that I've always let my excuses and fears prevent me from even starting or trying so many things. I'd talk myself out of it before even giving myself a chance," Megan said. This challenge showed her what she's capable of when she pushes those thoughts and fears aside, and keeps showing up for herself day after day.

Megan's Diet

During and after the 75Hard challenge, Megan counted macros and calories. For the challenge, she ate 1,500 calories with 130 grams of protein, and the remaining macros for carbs and fats fluctuated depending on the day, as she personally likes to have higher carbs on lower-body, weight-training days. Since the challenge, she has been slowly increasing her calories little by little each week while continuing to focus on weightlifting. "I don't cut out any food groups, but put an emphasis on eating whole, unprocessed foods as much as possible," Megan said.

What Megan Eats in a Day

Here's what a typical day of eating looks like for Megan:

Breakfast: avocado toast with a fried egg and fruit, or an almond milk, fruit, chocolate protein shake
Lunch: a big salad with salmon or a bunless chicken burger with sweet potato fries
Snack: RX bar, rice cake with avocado topped with tuna, or sliced cucumbers topped with laughing cow cheese and deli turkey slice and Sriracha
Dinner: turkey and veggie stir-fry with brown rice, or chicken burrito bowl with cauliflower rice

Megan's Workouts

Megan has used the BodiesbyRachel app for over a year now. Throughout the 75Hard challenge, she followed the Bikini Build 1.0, an eight-week weightlifting program, for her first workout every morning. It has three lower-body days, two upper-body days, and one HIIT day. She'd do low-intensity cardio or yoga for the other day.

Her second workout of the day was a 45-minute brisk walk/jog outside. Megan is currently doing the Bikini Build 2.0 program for weightlifting, but she also loves to play basketball, tennis, dance, and jump rope.

How Megan Stays On Track

Megan said focusing on "discipline over motivation" helps her keep at it even when her drive is flagging. "I don't always feel motivated to work out or eat healthy, but over time I've made it a habit and part of my life." She also said that "knowing and recognizing that nobody is always motivated is helpful," she said.

Megan loves going for a walk to breathe in fresh air and clear her head with no distractions. She also enjoys doing yoga, and has a specific morning routine to set her intentions for the day and start off on the right foot. She also journals, practices gratitude, and sets positive affirmations for the day.

Megan's Advice

"My biggest tip is, it's OK to start slow," Megan said. You don't have to have everything figured out in order to begin making small changes that can lead to big impact over time. Keep learning as you go, she added, and keep moving forward little by little.

Final Thoughts

"Since I completed the challenge I've continued working out everyday, I still take walks daily for a mental refresh (they weren't always the easiest part of the challenge, but my daily walks became my favorite part), I'm still mindful of what I eat, I drink plenty of water everyday, and I enjoy reading," Megan said. So she's still following the basic habits that she formed from the challenge, just less rigid.

If you're thinking about diving into this challenge, Megan said, "I would highly recommend 75Hard because you get to pick your workouts and your diet," she said. It can be tailored and suited toward whatever your individual goals may be. Sure it's mentally and physically demanding, but that's the point, and that's why it's so effective.

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