Use This Restorative Yoga Flow to Help You Digest When You're Feeling Stuffed

POPSUGAR Photography | Angelica Wilson
POPSUGAR Photography | Angelica Wilson

Every Thanksgiving, I tend to eat at least two plates of food. And every year, I need a little help getting the whole meal to digest. As a yoga instructor, I know that there are active yoga poses that can aid with digestion, but right after a big meal, the last thing I want to do is hover in a Boat Pose. So, ahead is a six-pose restorative flow to help aid in digestion.

The Supine Twist and Wind Relieving Pose will especially help access the ascending and descending colon in a way that helps move your Thanksgiving dinner through your large intestine. Once you've gotten things movin', make sure to take the Constructive Rest/Savasana at the end to let your digestive system process the assistance you've given it without any external stressors.

Restorative Yoga Flow For Digestion

Directions: Do this restorative yoga flow on a yoga mat or carpet or in your bed. Each posture also includes tips so you can customize the move to your comfort.

Reminder: You can use this flow all year-round for when you need a little help digesting whatever feast you've had.

Supported Child's Pose
POPSUGAR Photography | Angelica Wilson

Supported Child's Pose

  • Grab two pillows or a yoga bolster.
  • Kneel down on a soft surface.
  • Have your toes touching (or close to touching) and knees a little wider than your rib cage.
  • Lower your seat toward your heels.
  • Gently lean your torso over your pillows. It's OK if your hips lift a bit off of your heels (like me!).
  • Let your arms rest in front of you around the pillows.
  • Stay for a minimum of five breaths.

Tip: You can also do a Child's Pose without the cushioned support.

Cat Cow
POPSUGAR Photography | Angelica Wilson

Cat Cow

Cow Pose

  • Start in Tabletop with hands under your shoulders and knees under your hips.
  • On an inhale, lift your chin and tail while drawing your shoulders away from your ears.

Cat Pose

  • From Cow Pose, exhale as you arch your spine in the opposite direction.
  • Gently tuck your tail under.
  • Round your upper back, guiding your forehead toward your tucked pelvis underneath your torso.
  • Alternate between Cat and Cow five times — five Cow Poses and five Cat Poses total.

Tip: If you have tender knees, you can fold a towel or blanket under them.

Wide Standing Forward Fold
POPSUGAR Photography | Angelica Wilson

Wide Standing Forward Fold

  • Stand with feet as wide as the mat.
  • Take a deep bend at your knees.
  • Softly tuck your chin and roll down into a forward fold, relaxing your chin and neck at the bottom.
  • Let the back of your hands graze the mat or grab for opposite elbows.
  • Stay for a minimum of five breaths.

Tip: You can also do this in a chair. Just sit with thighs wide, and slowly fold over.

Wind Relieving Pose
POPSUGAR Photography | Angelica Wilson

Wind Relieving Pose

  • Lie down on a soft surface.
  • Softly step both feet down on the surface, with knees toward the ceiling.
  • Keeping your lower back on the mat, pull your right thigh in toward your torso — think knee toward armpit — grabbing behind your thigh or on top of your shin.
  • Continuously pull your thigh in close with every exhale.
  • Switch sides.
  • Stay for five breaths on each side. Repeat once more if you'd like.

Tip: You can also lengthen your bottom leg long, as long as your lower back doesn't lift from the mat.

Supine Twist
POPSUGAR Photography | Angelica Wilson

Supine Twist

  • Lie down on a soft surface.
  • Bring both knees in toward your chest.
  • Open your arms like a capital T.
  • Let your knees fall to the left first.
  • Repeat on the opposite side.
  • Stay for a minimum of five breaths per side.

Tip: When your knees are to the left, place your left hand on top of your right thigh for an extra press. Use your right hand when your knees are to the right.

Constructive Rest/Savasana
POPSUGAR Photography | Angelica Wilson

Constructive Rest/Savasana

  • Lie down on a soft surface with your arms in a comfortably wide position.
  • Step your feet down wider than your hips.
  • Gently knock your knees together.
  • Stay for a minimum of five breaths.

Tip: So long as your lower back feels supported, you can lengthen your legs for Savasana.