Increase the Protein in Your Salad Bowl by Adding These 3 Seeds

Jul 14 2020 - 8:20am

As a plant-based eater and someone who practices intermittent fasting [1], as my first meal of the day, I crave one enormous salad for lunch. It's made with tons of fresh greens and raw veggies like cucumbers, shredded carrots, bell peppers, sugar snap peas, and cherry tomatoes, and I top it with tofu, beans, or a chopped veggie burger for protein. To increase the protein even more, my salad isn't complete until I top it with these three seeds, which combined add 11.4 grams of protein.

Adding seeds to your salad is such an easy way to increase the protein in your bowl, but it also adds healthy fats and fiber, contributing to the satiety of your meal. Whenever I hit up Trader Joe's, those three seeds always make it into my cart. But variety is always great, so here are three other seeds you can try:

Seeds also add a satisfying crunchy texture that not only tastes delicious in salads, but you can sprinkle on roasted veggies, soups, oatmeal [9], smoothie bowls [10], avocado [11], or nut butter [12].

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