Doctors Explain Why You Might Get Headaches at Night — and How to Prevent Them

Oct 23 2020 - 2:37pm


After a long day of work [1] or classes, we all look forward to enjoying a calm evening, complete with curling up on the couch with a good book, some episodes on Netflix, or a glass of wine (or all of the above). That means any kind of distraction from winding down is an inconvenience, and a nighttime headache [2] is one of the most unwelcome kinds. The last thing you want to deal with before going to bed [3] is a throbbing head. Ahead are some of the most common causes of nighttime headaches, as well as some ways to help treat or prevent them.

What Causes Nighttime Headaches?

Nighttime headaches can be caused by a variety of factors, both physical and environmental.

What Can I Do to Treat or Prevent Nighttime Headaches?

Unfortunately, you can't always just sleep off a nighttime headache. If the pain is too much, over-the-counter pain medicine (like ibuprofen or acetaminophen) may help, but Dr. Dimitriu said you shouldn't make it a recurring habit. It's also important to try to manage your stress levels, and identify and address any underlying causes.

Where possible, you can also optimize your environment to help prevent headaches. Dr. Rajneesh suggests the following:

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Finally, if you experience constant nighttime headaches or regularly wake up with a headache [14], both doctors recommend discussing your symptoms with a physician, who can help identify what's causing your headaches. And if your nighttime headaches are associated with other symptoms such as fever, chills, night sweats, chest pain, shortness of breath, or unintentional weight loss, Dr. Rajneesh said you should seek immediate medical attention.

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