You Can Try This Yin Yoga Sequence While Lying in Bed

Apr 10 2020 - 5:00am

Shot of a group of young woman resting after her yoga session

This past fall, I started adding hour-long Yin yoga classes to my evening fitness routine [1]. On the nights I practiced, my body felt looser, my joints less achy, and my mind quiet and content. On those nights, drifting off to sleep became a much more peaceful experience.

Missing my post-Yin mood, I reached out to Modo Yoga [2] certified yoga instructor Frantz Hall [3] for a Yin yoga sequence that can be done at home before bed.

According to Hall, in order to take part in a more restorative Yin yoga practice, allow yourself to get into a more meditative state by focusing on your breath or your favorite type or meditation. You should also support your posture with blocks, pillows, towels, or blankets.

Each pose in the sequence below should be held between 3-5 minutes. However, Hall urges you to remember that this is your practice, so come out of each posture as you need — slowly and safely. It can even be completed in bed if you so please.

Supported Fish

Hall says this pose is not only good for digestion, but can help with anxiety and opening up the chest and hips — if completed with the soles of the feet together and knees to the side.

Coming Into the Posture

Coming Out of the Posture


Hall explains that this pose aids in the mobility of the spine, is beneficial for the lungs and heart, opens up the side body, and stretches the IT bands.

Coming Into the Posture

Coming Out of the Pose


Sleep, stress, and anxiety are all addressed with this post. Hall says it's also beneficial for opening and stretching the hamstrings and back, as well as aiding in digestion.

Coming Into the Pose

Coming Out of the Pose


Try this pose for a stretch in the glutes and abdominals. Hall also mentions it helps to balance the nervous system, as well as release tension in the spine and muscles around it.

Coming Into the Pose

Coming Out of the Pose


Your last pose in this sequence, Hall says Savasana helps the body to absorb the benefits of your practice, boosting deep relaxation and aiding in sleep.

Coming Into the Pose

Click here for more health and wellness stories, tips, and news [6].

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