Increase Flexibility in Your Legs and Hips With These 30 Essential, Feel-Good Yoga Poses

Feb 9 2021 - 11:35am

Having to spend more time at home due to the pandemic may have affected your body in weird ways. Can you relate to working hunched over your kitchen-table-turned-desk? Or having meetings scrunched up on one corner of your couch, or while lounging in bed? You may not be moving around as much either, so it's normal if you're experiencing supertight hips [1], inflexible hamstrings, and an aching lower back.

Take a break from work and pick five to 10 of these stretches (there are 30 to choose from), that target your legs, hips, and lower back. Do these a few times a week, and even just a few minutes of stretching will make a difference!

Standing Forward Bend With Clasped Elbows

Downward-Facing Dog

Tip-Toe 3-Legged Dog

Arching 3-Legged Dog

Warrior 2

Twisting Side Angle

Open Triangle

Intense Side Stretch

Low Lunge

Low Crescent Lunge

Side Lunge

Lizard Pose

Twisting Lizard



Wide-Legged Split

Wide Squat


Head to Knee

Pigeon Pose

Double Pigeon

Seated Forward Bend

Seated Straddle

Happy Baby

Reclining Big Toe B

Reclining Straddle

Straddle Stretch at the Wall

Wide Child's Pose

Wide-Legged Forward Bend D

Figure 4

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