Make Your Life Easier By Learning Alton Brown's Hack For Juicing a Lime

Jan 3 2017 - 2:05pm

Thanks to Alton Brown, it's easier than ever to juice a lime and store it for later. Alton covers half a lime in plastic wrap, cutting a small slit on one edge. When squeezed, the juice drizzles out neatly from the slit in the plastic wrap (no squirts in your eye or over the counter). Plus, since the lime is covered, you can easily stash it back in the fridge if you don't end up using the whole half. Take a look at the clever technique below.

Want to put lime or lemon juice where you want it instead of all over your counter or in your eye? Cover in plastic wrap and make a small slit on one edge. Squeeze what you want then pop the rest in the fridge.

Posted by Alton Brown [1] on Friday, December 30, 2016

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