Twitter Is Torn Over What to Call This Classic Childhood Treat — Otter Pops? Zooper Doopers?

Jun 2 2019 - 8:35am

One of the greatest joys of my childhood was coming inside after a hot Summer day spent running through the sprinkler in the backyard and indulging in one (or two) of these mouth-staining frozen treats [1]. There was just something inexplicably satisfying about tearing off that little plastic end — which would inevitably end up on the floor later — and crunching my way through the taste of plastic and ice to get to the frozen juice (aka the best part) at the bottom.

Even though I haven't had an Otter Pop in years, I remember that every flavor was amazing in its own right (*cough* — green was the best) and seeing one always takes me on a little blast to the past. And if you ask me, calling an Otter Pop an Ice Pop or Flavor Ice is like calling an Oreo a cream-filled sandwich cookie. So, imagine my surprise when Twitter clued me in on the fact that some people call them Zooper Doopers (in Australia), Icy Poles, or Freezy Pops! Apparently, I wasn't the only one caught by surprise. Keep reading to see all the fun names this classic frozen snack has all around the world and which flavors rank above the rest.

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