3 Unusual but Utterly Snackable Freeze-Dried Fruits

May 27 2014 - 10:11am

If you've ever snacked on freeze-dried fruit, then you know eating one piece usually leads to finishing off a whole bag of the airy crisps. You're probably familiar with freeze-dried apples or strawberries, but how about lychee or Asian pear? If you're not sure about testing out some of the more atypical options, don't worry! We have braved the uncharted waters for you and are here to tell the tale.

Crispy Green Asian Pear Crispy Fruit

Closest in texture and taste to freeze-dried apples, these fruit slices [1] nearly melted in our mouths. While the flavor was subtle, it was a satisfying choice overall.

Go Vida Lychee

Our initial suspicion was that this snack [2] might lean toward the saccharine side, but we were pleasantly surprised to find the floral tones and hint of sweetness had us reaching into the bag for another piece. And then another.

Crispy Green Tangerine Crispy Fruit

These tangy treats [3] had a bit of a polarizing effect: some enjoyed the unique texture and burst of tartness upon biting down, while others thought the flavor was too strong and were put off by the flakiness of the fruit. Our advice: try these for yourself — you'll either love or hate them.

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