20 Organizational Things to Do Around the Kitchen This January

Dec 27 2016 - 11:05am

Consider this your official kitchen-cleaning checklist for 2017. If your mantra for the New Year is something along the lines of "new year, new me, fresh start," your kitchen is the perfect place to start. All of these small improvements — like cleaning your oven and purging your fridge of old condiments — add up to make a big difference. Your kitchen will become a happier (and much cleaner) place as you check off each of the following tasks you can do around the kitchen next month.

Clean your garbage disposal.

When's the last time you cleaned your garbage disposal? If you can't remember, it's time to do it ASAP. Giving it the cleaning treatment it deserves will eliminate any potential odors coming from your sink.

Get the tip: how to clean your garbage disposal [4]

Decrumb your toaster.

Few things are less pleasant in the morning than the smell of burnt crumbs as you're toasting your bagel. Give your toaster the treatment it deserves by taking a few minutes to eliminate every crumb and piece of food that's stuck inside.

Deep-clean your microwave.

Quickly wiping your microwave out with a paper towel every time something splatters is OK for the short term, but giving it a deep clean and leaving it sparkling will make you feel so much better every time you open it.

Get the tip: how to clean your microwave [5]

Overhaul your pantry staples.

Now would be a good time to find out what's lingering in your pantry, even if you're pretty sure none of your staples have expired. Whether you were affected by 2016's General Mills flour recall [6] or you have some ancient baking essentials that could use a replacement, you'll feel better knowing that the items you have stocked are ones you'll actually use.

Rid your fridge of old condiments.

Check the label of every condiment sitting in your fridge — especially the questionable jars that you forgot you had. Get rid of everything that's out of date, and free up space for fresh condiments.

Use extra containers to organize your drawers.

One of the things people with organized kitchens [7] have is only as many food containers as they really use. Tackle that overflowing pile of plastic containers, and use any extras to organize the drawers where you keep miscellaneous cooking tools.

Get a sponge holder.

That sponge sitting atop your sink can attract serious bacteria if it's not kept clean, stored in a dry place, and replaced frequently. To maximize its quality, invest in a sponge holder [8] if you don't have one already.

Clean your oven.

Cleaning your oven will give it a good-as-new look that will make you excited to use it more often. This appliance needs more than just soap and warm water — give it the full treatment with a DIY [9] solution made of hydrogen peroxide, vinegar, lemon, and a few other staples.

Get the tip: how to clean your oven [10]

Wipe down your entire fridge.

Once you've done an overhaul of every item that's in your fridge, next up is cleaning the refrigerator itself. Wipe it down from the inside out, removing everything in batches so that you can really get every nook and cranny of each shelf and drawer. Use warm water and dishwashing liquid to wipe down the surface, and use Clorox wipes or baking soda to get rid of stubborn stains.

Clean up your bar cart.

Too much booze is never a bad thing, but an unorganized bar cart [11] is. Make sure you're aware of everything that's sitting on your bar cart, and organize it by grouping types of alcohol, fun glasses, and bar accessories like cocktail shakers and straws. If anything stands out as an eyesore, keep it stored away in the kitchen.

Get your mug obsession in check.

Serious question: do you know how many coffee mugs you own? Free up cabinet space by going through all of your mugs and donating any that aren't absolute must haves.

Organize your freezer.

Freezer-friendly recipes [12] are so helpful, but there does come a time when leftovers need to be tossed. Take a really close look at your freezer and get rid of raw meat that's been in your freezer for a year as well as questionably old leftovers. You'll end up with enough space to meal plan with ice cube trays [13].

Get rid of old knives and replace them.

It's OK to admit when your knives have had their last chop. In fact, it's a lot more dangerous to use a dull knife than a sharp one. Luckily, there's a safe way to get rid of them that doesn't involve throwing them in the trash.

Get the tip: how to get rid of old knives [14]

Fold your plastic bags.

If you have a drawer piled with a messy bunch of plastic bags, you'll feel a huge load of stress relief once you finally organize them. The trick? An ingenious folding method that keeps them from unraveling.

Get the tip: how to fold plastic bags [15]

Clean your dishwasher.

Yes, your dishwasher is used for cleaning lots of things, but it, too, needs to be cleaned. Get rid of any impurities lurking around with a homemade solution that cleans the whole machine in one cycle — no scrubbing required.

Get the tip: how to clean your dishwasher [16]

Organize each one of your cabinets.

Chances are, you're not entirely sure about all of the pots, pans, and dishes that are hiding in the backs of various cabinets. The beginning of the year is the perfect time to go through each cabinet and make sure all of your plates, bowls, glasses, pots, and pans are all in the right places and neatly organized.

Wash your drying rack.

To avoid potential mold and stains, wash your drying rack in the sink with soap and warm water, and dry it completely before using it again.

Get a handle on your spice cabinet.

The best way to store spices [17] is to avoid direct sunlight or heat sources (i.e., concealed in a cabinet or drawer). If your spice rack or spice cabinet is totally out of control, consider getting rid of those years-old spices you'll never use, and keep your favorites front and center.

Organize the space below your sink.

This is the year that you stop throwing things under your sink without even looking and instead turn it into a well-organized space for cleaning products and more.

Get the tip: how to organize under your sink [18]

Replace any nonabsorbent kitchen towels.

It's essential to have absorbent kitchen cloths to wipe away oil and grease and to dry dishes.

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