Starbucks Just Released a Cup That Will Prevent Your Coffee From Going Cold Ever Again

Nov 27 2016 - 5:00am

Say goodbye to lukewarm Pumpkin Spice Lattes this Winter. Starbucks has teamed up with Ember, the company behind the Ember Mug [1], a smartphone-controlled coffee mug designed to keep your coffee heated to your desired temperature all day long.

According to Inc., the cup works by using "a series of sensors and heating rings [2]" that will warm up your drink — or cool it down, if you'd prefer. To control the temperature, all you have to do is rotate the dial located on the bottom of the mug. You can also control how warm your coffee stays using the Ember app. Once connected to your smartphone or smartwatch device, you can change the temperature of the liquid inside of your Ember cup with just a tap on your screen.

Starbucks "ran the mugs through months of safety inspections" before agreeing to allow the product to be sold in its stores, Inc. reported. The chain also reportedly tested the mug to make sure the heating process "didn't change the flavor of its coffee." The Ember Mug is currently listed for $150 and is available for purchase in 100 Starbucks locations [3] throughout the US. Get a closer look at the brand-new smart mug ahead. Would you invest in a cup that promises to keep your coffee warm all day long?

Image Source: EmberTech [4]

Image Source: EmberTech [5]

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