5 Everyday Foods That Might Be Messing With You

POPSUGAR Photography | Sarah Lipoff
POPSUGAR Photography | Sarah Lipoff

Having a delicious relationship with food is a wonderful thing, but what you eat could be messing with how you feel. Bothersome midday bloating and swollen joints may be the result of overindulging in some of your favorite foods. We found five everyday items that could be culprits, along with solutions for making life better — without eliminating anything you love.

POPSUGAR Photography | Sarah Lipoff


Gluten is found in so many different items from bread to pasta to tortillas — and yes, beer. The substance is present in grains (mainly wheat) and produces the beautiful elasticity in doughs that turns into crave-worthy, crusty loaves. If you're feeling symptoms such as muscle pain, bloating, or a touch of fuzzy brain after consuming anything that's high in gluten, you might want to evaluate how much you're eating and then make some cutbacks. Or try out some gluten-free recipes!

POPSUGAR Photography | Sarah Lipoff


There really isn't a substitute for milk, which makes it one food item most can't live without. But milk (and other products, like ice cream) also causes stomach trouble for many people. Why? Blame the lactose, an annoying type of sugar in milk that many people find hard to digest. LACTAID® Products remove the lactose from milk, so what is left is 100% real farm-fresh milk that isn't tough on your stomach. So you can go ahead and enjoy when you're craving a big glass of cold milk.

POPSUGAR Photography | Sarah Lipoff


Citrus adds a big pop of flavor to whatever you're eating or drinking. The colorful fruits are filled with so many beneficial things, like vitamin C and antioxidants. That said, overdoing it with citrus fruits can cause tooth decay. Lemons and limes top the list containing the highest acidity count, with grapefruit offering lower amounts.

POPSUGAR Photography | Sarah Lipoff


Who can say no to a stunning cheese board? I sure can't. The bummer is cheese contains lactose and is high in saturated fat. The combo can cause problems in the intestinal tract. But you can still enjoy the ooey-gooey goodness by opting for hard cheeses, which are lower in lactose than soft varieties, like Brie or ricotta cheese. There are also lots of delicious lactose-free options.

POPSUGAR Photography | Sarah Lipoff


A handful of nuts offers tons of protein and lots of crunch. You can find the little goodies in a variety of foods, which makes them such a versatile ingredient. If you feel extra bloated or can't seem to kick that itchy mouth due to having an unknown food allergy, that handful of nuts you grab for your mid-afternoon snack may be the trigger. Pistachios, cashews, and almonds are high in rapidly fermentable carbohydrates so limit your intake if you have any of these symptoms.

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Experience the total joy of dairy. Delight in the delicious, creamy taste of real dairy without a second thought. With LACTAID® Brand Products, you can eat what you want, when you want, without the worry.