This Cool Hack For Growing Basil Will Blow Your Mind

POPSUGAR Photography | Kelly Ladd
POPSUGAR Photography | Kelly Ladd

If you love the flavor of fresh herbs in your meals, tea, or other tasty treats, you have to check this out. You can have an endless supply of herbs by snipping off a piece from your already existing plant or from your BFF's garden. This trick is called propagating, and it is oh so simple. Check it out.

Cutting a Basil Plant From a Garden
POPSUGAR Photography | Kelly Ladd

Cutting a Basil Plant From a Garden

Step 1: Using scissors or a hand pruning shear, snip off a stem from an herb plant. You want to use scissors or a pruning shear for this project because tearing the stem off the plant could do damage to your cutting, and it may not grow well. This hack works with almost every herb out there and some other plants, like spinach and even nonedible philodendrons.

POPSUGAR Photography | Kelly Ladd

Step 2: Snip off the bottom leaves from the cutting, leaving only five to six new growth leaves on the stem.

Basil Plant
POPSUGAR Photography | Kelly Ladd

Basil Plant

Step 3:

Then carefully snip off the newest growth from the herb with your fingertips. It should be two teeny-tiny leaves in the center of the top leaves.

Plants in Water and Soil
POPSUGAR Photography | Kelly Ladd

Plants in Water and Soil

Step 4: Place your stems in water or moist soil. Once the cutting establishes roots, you can transfer it into a new pot or in the ground.