The Property Brothers' Craziest Fan Encounter Will Haunt You

Aug 26 2016 - 4:05am

Jonathan and Drew Scott have encountered everything imaginable since they became HGTV stars, from antique Playboys hidden in the walls of a reno [1] on Property Brothers to overzealous fans. But nothing could prepare them for what Swiffer spokesperson Jonathan [2] told us was their craziest fan encounter to date.

"Quite recently, when we did our book tour, we had somebody show up who was carrying two plastic dolls and claimed that they were my children," Jonathan shared with us. As if that wasn't strange enough, the fan then insisted that he tend to his children. Yowza!

As far as bizarre fan antics go, most are much tamer, more along the lines of strange autograph requests. "We'll be doing a book signing or something like that, and people will bring in an entire length of hardwood or they'll bring a giant chunk of marble counter and they'll want me to sign that," said Jonathan, in disbelief that they lugged the heavy material around all day. It begs the question of what the fan does with it afterward; do they then install the material as to have an autographed floor or kitchen?

While there are the extreme fan run-ins, most, fortunately, are positive ones. Single Jonathan (brother Drew has been dating Linda Phan [3] for years) even says that while he's never dated a fan before, he wouldn't rule it out. "I never have, but depends on who the person is," he said, adding that the biggest romantic dealbreaker for him is having a date be more interested in his design advice than him. "A lot of times friends will call me and be like, 'oh hey, you've been so busy on the road and everything, why don't you come over, I'll cook you dinner' . . . and then I'll show up and they'll have flooring samples laid out and paints out, and I have a feeling they're using me for my design savvy."

Until he finds that special lady who wants more than flooring tips, he'll keep third wheeling with Drew and Linda — and keep demanding DNA sanity tests from all fans claiming to have mothered his doll children.

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