This Only Child Candle "Smells Like an Imaginary Friend," and LOL, the Truth to This

Mar 17 2020 - 8:25am


When you're an only child [1], you have to get pretty creative to keep yourself entertained. You can't always be with your friends or bother your parents, and since you have no siblings to pass the time with, what do you do? For many, you create an imaginary friend. But while you probably let go of your friend a long time ago, Whiskey River Soap Co. is here to bring back those (possibly painful) childhood memories.

The company jokes that its hilarious Candle For the Only Child [2] ($24) smells like "an imaginary friend or an entire circus. Depends how lonely you are." The product lightheartedly pokes fun at the only child [3] and the sometimes inaccurate assumption that we grow up isolated and lonely. But since we're all adults now (sort of), we can appreciate this candle and buy one for ourselves (because we sure don't have any siblings who will buy it for us, now do we?!).

Despite the candle's pretty light-blue color, its actual scent is candy apple. It has a burn time of about 60 hours, which gives us plenty of time to come up with some new imaginary friends. Hey, at least we're not the middle child [4], right?

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