38 Organizational Tips From The Home Edit to Start the Year Off Right

The Home Edit is basically organization porn, let's be honest. Whether you're the biggest pack rat who, quite frankly, needs the personal attention of the company itself, or someone who immediately brings some of their organization projects to life, The Home Edit's Instagram is clutter-free magic. There are closets, pantries, bathrooms, and more; everything has a place, and everything looks absolutely gorgeous.

If you're anything like us, you can't help but have your heart warmed when you see anything even remotely resembling the organization that The Home Edit brings to each and every one of their clients. And, thanks to social media, The Home Edit team has been able to share tidbits from those with the rest of the world. Closets are merchandised by color and style, clearly labeled bins ensure that you're never searching for a rogue beauty supply again, and even vegetables in a refrigerator are organized in a rainbow.

Ahead, find some of our favorite transformations and organization tips, tricks, suggestions, and rules to go alone with each and every one. These photos are so satisfying, they're going to make you truly giddy.

Additional reporting by Lauren Harano


Label Everything

Whether you use The Home Edit's own line of gorgeous labels or DIY your own, labeling everything makes it easy to not only find whatever it is you need but also get rid of otherwise messy packaging that might not maximize your storage space the way you'd like.


Mix and Match Your Vessels

Whether it's a bin, basket, jar, or other storage unit, there's no harm in mixing and matching a bunch in the same setting. It's important to use the best vessel for the products you're trying to store, and not figuring out how to stuff a bag of potato chips into a jar meant for Jelly Beans.


Color-Code Food So It's Easier to Find in the Pantry

By color-coding food, it'll be easier to find each time you (or someone who's hungry) reaches for a snack. It'll also help everyone put things back where they belong.


Lazy Susans Are Everything

A lazy Susan is a great way to maximize space and be able to easily access everything, from the very front of your shelf to the deepest depths of the back.


Take Food Out of Bags (Chips, Candy, Etc.) to Make the Pantry Look More Cohesive

Get rid of wrappers, chip bags, snack boxes, and more, and instead put everything into individual containers. This will help to keep clutter at bay.


Ditch Labels For Gold Wine Glass Pens

If you want your pantry to look extra chic, use a gold wine glass pen and write directly on the container. It'll instantly upgrade your pantry in no time.


Create a Coffee Caddy That Organizes Pods by Flavors

Pods can often look messy and unorganized, but that's where color-coding comes in. This will also make it easier for you to grab your favorite brew no matter how groggy you are!


Use Tiered Organizers and Lazy Susans to Keep Everything Visible

The next time you're in search of that can of chicken noodle soup you're craving, you'll be pleased to know that it's right in front of you! Tiered organizers will help keep labels visible while a lazy Susan will let you grab things with ease.


Put Baking Essentials in Clear Organizers to Keep Clutter at Bay in Drawers

If you're into baking, then you know how cluttered these tools can make the kitchen look. Clean out a drawer and put in clear inserts to solve this problem. Once the inserts are in, arrange cookie cutters, measuring spoons, and more inside.


Take Candy Out of Packaging and Arrange It in Clear Organizers

If you've got a sweet tooth, then this hack is for you! Get clear boxes and put your favorite sweets inside. This will not only help to keep them fresh, but it will also take away the clutter of wrappers and such.


Line Up Morning Snacks For Grab-and-Go Breakfasts

Make the mornings easier with this brilliant idea. If you have a snack drawer in the kitchen, simply clean it out and fill it with on-the-go breakfast items. Done and done.


Write on Lids to Label Bottom-Shelf Goods

Instead of writing on the front of the jar, writing on the top will help you access goods easier if they are on a low shelf. You can do this with snacks, bathroom necessities, and more.


Go Above and Beyond With Snack Jars

Channel your inner Khloé Kardashian by meticulously stacking the contents of your snack jars instead of just throwing it all in at once. The result not only looks like a work of art, but also prevents all your cookies from crumbing around one another.


Use a Back-of-Door Rack to Store Extra Supplies

If your pantry or hall closet is already filled to the brim with essentials, you can just attach a back-of-door rack to the door to give yourself more room to store things. Think extra shampoo, wipes, and snacks.


Don't Overstuff Your Fridge

By putting things in clear, organized containers (i.e. all salad dressings in one) and not overcrowding your fridge, you're able to see exactly what you have so that you can access it easily and not forget about something and let it go to waste.


Merchandise Your Closet

Whether by style, color, or both, create a system that makes your clothing not only look gorgeous while they're hanging, but easy to find as well.


Use Shelf Separators

Sure, when you're stacking those colorful sweaters they look awesome, but then you try to take one out and all the piles fall together. Use clear shelf separators to ensure that they stay just as gorgeous as they were when you first organized your wardrobe.


Keep Closet Stacks Tidy With Acrylic Shelf Dividers

Instead of just throwing everything onto the shelf, using acrylic shelf dividers will help you to put things where they go. It will also encourage you to fold clothing and towels instead of just tossing them wherever you please.


Utilize Ikea's Under-the-Bed Storage

Under-the-bed storage is a beautiful thing. You can keep underwear, pajamas, winter clothes, and more out of sight with the help of these inserts.


Keep Ties Tidy by Adding Drawer Organizers

Instead of fumbling through knotted ties, keep them tidy with the help of drawer organizers. You'll be able to see exactly which one you're looking for in no time.


Use Acrylic Drawers in Your Closet

Whether you're trying to store hard-to-organize items, like scarves or belts, or simply want to display some of your more prized possessions, use acrylic drawers underneath your hanging items in a closet to maximize otherwise unused space.


Hang Your Handbags

If you're lacking in shelf-space but have room to grow on your closet rod, consider hanging your handbags from hooks that you can flip through like you would your tops or dresses.


Fold Your Jeans

If you have extra shelving in your closet, consider folding your jeans instead of hanging them. Bonus points for organizing them by wash!


Show Off Your Handbags

For those extra-special pieces, consider shelving to give them the treatment they deserve.


Clear Shoe Boxes Are the Best

Sure, you can go crazy with new and fancy bins, baskets, and more, but there's nothing quite like the organizational quality of classic clear shoe boxes, both for their see-through nature as well as easy stackability.


Use Office Supplies in Your Closet

The Home Edit counts magazine organizers as great solutions for keeping unruly handbags nicely stacked. In short, be open-minded about what organizational devices work in what spaces.


Use Clear Organizers For Beauty Items

Beauty products can create clutter quick, but storing them in clear organizers will solve that problem before it even starts. Make sure you can see the label of each product so you can access it even easier.


Keep Hair Tools in Dividers

Hair tools can get messy and tangled under the sink, but if you keep them in an easy-to-reach spot with a divider, this will definitely keep you tidy. Make sure to wind the cord around each tool, and your work is done.


Use Clear Bins to Store Hair Accessories

Hair ties, clips, barrettes, and bobby pins can be the bane of your organized existence, but thanks to clear acrylic bins, your problems are now solved.


Keep Everyday Makeup Essentials Handy With Drawer Organizers

Lipstick, blush, mascara, brushes, and more can create a clutter like no other, which is why getting drawer organizers will be your saving grace. Arrange your makeup by category (face, eyes, lips), and getting ready will be easier than ever.


Install Tension Rods to Organize a Wrapping Station

Wrapping paper, gift bags, and ribbons can make any room look messy, so use tension rods to clean it up quick. These can hold wrapping paper and bags, making everything easier to access.


Make a "Daily Drawer"

Everyone has those products in their bathroom that they use every day, without fail. Organize the essentials, all together, in a single place that's easy to access and has only your most favorite go-tos.


Make Your Own Drawers

If your closet is full of shelves but you're in desperate need of drawers, make your own! Use stacking bins or sliding versions of the same to create space for all those tiny accessories that don't stack easily on their own.


Organize Your Organizers

Whether a drawer or a bin, use smaller containers within the larger to sub-divide all the contents. It will allow you to use larger vessels for smaller items without risking everything becoming a muddled mess inside.


Don't Neglect Under-the-Sink Areas

You might have, in the past, thought of the under-the-sink area as a catchall, but not anymore. Organize your kitchen and bathroom areas, however hidden, just as you would your most prominent shelving units.


Color-Code the Playroom

Parents know how messy a playroom can get, and yikes, is it bad. To deter this problem, try color-coding the toys, trinkets, and books. This will encourage little ones to put them back where they belong.


Have a Bin That You Can Throw Toys Into When They Aren't in Use

If you keep tripping over toys, Legos, and dolls, a handy bin is just what you need. Make sure it has wheels so you can cart it from one play station to the next.


Show Off Your Art Supplies

There's little more colorful than a collection of art supplies, so this is certainly not the time to hide them away. Take advantage of your built-in rainbow and color-code to your heart's content.

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