How Jessica Alba Is Close to Matching Beyoncé's Fortune

Jun 1 2015 - 4:10pm

Jessica Alba [1] has covered her share of fitness and fashion magazines [2], but this is her first time on the front page of a major business publication. In the June 2015 issue of Forbes [3], on newsstands now, the actress and Honest Company founder talks about her inspiration for the creation of the personal care company, saying, "I felt like my needs weren't being met as a modern person. I want beautiful design like everybody else. But it shouldn't be premium-priced, and it should, of course, be safe." Finding that niche paid off for Jessica, who has relegated her movie career to only days every year to focus on running her company, spending 86 hours a week working on developing new products for the line. Forbes estimates Jessica's part of the business to be worth $200 million, just $50 million short of Beyoncé's fortune.

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