Aug 5 2015 - 4:00am

Piña Colada Dessert

From Brazilian Flair in the USA [1]

Piña Colada Dessert Recipe


  1. 3 South African baby pineapples
    Caribbean coconut gelato by Talenti [2]
    Toasted coconut flakes


  1. Slice the tops off of the pineapples.
  2. Carefully remove the pineapple pulp by cutting around the inside, as close to the edge as possible without cutting through the skin.
  3. Scoop out the flesh, being careful to keep it as intact as possible.
  4. Cut the pineapple into small dices and set aside.
  5. Scoop the ice cream into scoops small enough to fit inside the pineapples.
  6. Top with toasted coconut and diced pineapple.

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