8 Reasons Eating Sweet Potatoes Is the Best Thing You Could Do For Your Health

Jan 7 2017 - 11:00am

Ever wondered why ancient South and Central American civilizations [1] had a soft spot for sweet potatoes? Sure, the delicious taste of the root vegetable is almost irresistible, but we have a feeling those early inhabitants of what's now Latin America knew a thing or two about its many benefits.

Did you know, for example, that the spuds are a great source of vitamin A? Or that if half of your diet was purely made of the veggie, you would still be getting enough nutrients [2]? Scroll ahead for these and even more fascinating reasons you should add more of the tuber to your meals [3].

  1. They're low-calorie and naturally sweet [4], so you can eat them more frequently without feeling guilty.
  2. Forget about oranges — one sweet potato contains 35 percent of your daily dose of vitamin C [5], which might help to cure a cold [6] as well as skin wounds, bones, and teeth.
  3. Because they are high in fiber [7], sweet potatoes are filling and reduce the risk of developing chronic diseases [8] like diabetes and heart disease.
  4. According to the USDA, a medium-size sweet potato contains more than a day's worth of vitamin A [9], which plays a role in immunity, cell growth, eye and skin health (beauty bonus!), and preventing heart, lung, and kidney problems [10].
  5. The low-to-moderate glycemic index [11] number of boiled or steamed sweet potatoes means they don't significantly raise your blood sugar levels, and you know what that means: no sugary cravings in the middle of the day [12]. Keeping this index balanced also prevents diabetes and weight gain.
  6. Sweet potatoes are rich in antioxidants [13], particularly polyphenols and vitamin C. These free-radical-fighting particles are basically little wonders with studies saying they could play a role in the hindering of cancer and aging [14].
  7. Ever heard that slicing sweet potatoes and putting them under your eyes can reduce the look of puffiness? There's some truth to that. A study showed that purple sweet potatoes have high anti-inflammatory powers [15].
  8. Believe it or not, sweet potatoes have more potassium than bananas [16], meaning they're better at fighting strokes, guaranteeing good digestion, and even helping you avoid muscle cramps [17].

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