16 Things Only Women Who Smoke Pot Understand

Apr 20 2017 - 9:15am

Before Broad City [1] came along, stoner dudes got all the attention. Which is too bad, because a) women also smoke pot and b) marijuana helps with lots of lady problems. It's a great pain reliever and a social lubricant, and it makes both sex and nachos more delicious. Here are 16 pros and cons of smoking pot that all women can relate to.

Smoking pot doesn’t make you a pothead.

Just as having a cocktail doesn’t make you a lush.

It’s a calorie-free way to unwind.

Especially after age 35, even a one-cocktail-a-day habit can add up on the waistline. Marijuana doesn’t, and seasoned smokers know to resist the munchies.

But you do learn to be strategic about the munchies.

If you're gonna indulge in fistfuls of Doritos, you might as well get stoned first, because they will taste like the best Doritos ever.

It makes mundane chores more fun.

Cleaning the bathroom when you’re just a teeny bit high is far more tolerable than when you’re sober.

It’s a great way to meet people.

Hate mingling at parties? You can always find the group of jovial smokers!

WAY more people smoke pot than you think.

But they also don’t judge people who don’t.

Marijuana helps with menstrual cramps.

Seriously, a couple hits off a joint and a heating pad is magical.

It also helps with migraines.

While smoking pot won’t make a migraine vanish, it does make it more tolerable — and it also distracts from the weird side effects of triptan-type meds.

Pot is also a hangover helper.

Smoking can ease your pounding headache, lessen nausea, and make the funny movies you’ll be sitting around watching all day even funnier.

A little bit of weed can enhance your orgasms.

Not too much, though, lest you fall asleep before you can get busy.

You can exercise when you're stoned.

Seriously, I have a friend who is a serious runner, and she will eat a not-too-strong pot caramel right before her run, and when it kicks in, it eases any pain and doesn’t make her tired since she’s already active.

Never trust a man who says "the brownies aren't strong."

The brownies are always strong.

Never consume marijuana edibles before a night out.

You run the risk of passing out on the couch in going-out clothes and full makeup before the evening begins.

That said, edibles are great at helping you sleep.

An indica-based treat can cancel out the discomfort of sleeping on airplanes or in a tent.

You can buy cute accessories.

You can ignore the tacky pipes in head shops and invest in an adorable pastel ombré pipe [2] that looks great on your coffee table.

You're a woman supporting other women.

The marijuana that’s harvested for buds comes exclusively from female pot plants. It’s like cross-species girl power!

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