A Cancer Patient Marries Her Boyfriend After She's Given a Month to Live

Dec 27 2014 - 8:00am

Twenty-five-year-old Liza Heaton was told she only had a month left to live. After being in remission for three years, doctors told Liza that her synovial sarcoma, a rare form of cancer, had come back and was beyond treatable. Upon hearing the news, Liza and her boyfriend, Wyatt, decided that they would make the most of their time together and get married. They invited over 100 loved ones from all over the country to join them in Shreveport, LA, for a wedding that they planned in just two days.

Miraculously, just a day after her wedding, Liza learned that her cancer actually was still treatable — the gastrointestinal obstruction that left her incurable had cleared. She is now on a new treatment plan in hopes of recovery. Her family also created a GoFundMe page [1] to raise money for Johns Hopkins to further synovial sarcoma research. Check out the touching video that Liza's sister made for her above.

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