This Woman's Engagement Ended, but She Still Had the Disneyland Photo Shoot of Her Dreams

Sep 28 2016 - 1:00pm

Just three weeks before Brooke Lowry's engagement photo shoot [1], her relationship ended. But instead of canceling her photography appointment at Disneyland for a fairy-tale day, Brooke decided to do the shoot on her own. She has always loved Disney and being a princess for the day was an empowering experience for her. "Even when it seems impossible and even when it's hard, you can be your own knight in shining armor," she told POPSUGAR in an email. "It's okay to feel what you feel- all you have to do is make it to the next moment, then that next moment becomes the next hour, then the next day, then the next week, then month, and before you know it, your heart remembers how to smile."

Since Brooke took the photos, they have gone viral. People everywhere have been sending positive messages. "Just because I would like a prince of my own someday does not mean that I am incomplete without one, nor does it mean that you are. There is beauty in the differences of our dreams and no two princesses or hearts are alike." We love her decision to go forward with the photo shoot and the message it sends to other women. Make sure to check out all of her beautiful photos.

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