One Couple Explains Why They Decided to Have a "Dry Wedding"

Jul 13 2014 - 7:00am

Lisa Rau and Robert Cannon were set on having a nontraditional wedding, and they set up a YouTube account [1] to share their planning process with the world. In one of the videos, the couple explains the justification for one of their more controversial choices: no booze.

Lisa drinks sometimes, but she says she'd rather have the calories in a cookie. Robert, on the other hand, has never drank alcohol. Neither of them are into, what they call, "the drinking culture." While some traditions and religions do not allow drinking, making dry events commonplace, Robert and Lisa admit that their family and friends use alcohol as a means to celebrate. So it's safe to say a dry wedding will annoy them [2]. Still, they explain they would never expect a bride and groom to not serve alcohol because they're coming as a guest. Thus, their guests should not expect to assert their own preferences on Robert and Lisa. "I'm going to host it the way I feel comfortable doing," Robert explains. Watch the video, and then vote in the poll below: do you back couples like Robert and Lisa?

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