A Man Carrying Mistletoe and Rushing in the Airport Made People Freak Out Over His Love Story

Dec 26 2016 - 10:20am

In what feels like a scene out of Love Actually, a woman saw a man rushing through Gatwick Airport with some mistletoe only to be left wondering what happened in his cute holiday gesture. Luckily, her tweet went viral and the man responded with the end result.

On Dec. 24, Isobel Chillman tweeted a photo of a man with some mistletoe and noted that he wasn't carrying anything else. Chillman, clearly someone who believes that love actually is all around us, tweeted the photo with, "Some love actually sh*t is about to go down."

There's a man rushing to Gatwick north terminal with a bunch of mistletoe & nothing else. SOME LOVE ACTUALLY SHIT IS ABOUT TO GO DOWN 😍 pic.twitter.com/a4CPf5FX1L [1]

— Isobel Chillman (@isobelchillman) December 24, 2016 [2]

Her tweet has more than 26,000 likes and 7,400 retweets and left people desperate to know what happened to mistletoe man.

@isobelchillman [3] @Gatwick_Airport [4] You can't leave us hanging like that. How did the story end?????

— Monreal Militia (@LePhantomMenace) December 24, 2016 [5]

Chillman then tweeted at the Gatwick Airport account, telling them she didn't know what happened next and was wondering if anyone else saw him. Thanks to the power of the internet, the man found her tweet and tweeted back at her with his story.

The man, Tim Brown, let Chillman know he was running late to meet his girlfriend, so he surprised her instead. He even included a photo of him and his girlfriend kissing under the mistletoe.

@isobelchillman [6] @Gatwick_Airport [7] 'Mistletoe Man' here!Was indeed a happy ending-late to meet my gf so surprised her!Mistletoe Love 2 you all pic.twitter.com/YUyVwUBZwa [8]

— Tim Brown (@TimSchBro) December 25, 2016 [9]

Plenty of people were so happy with the end result of the story.

@TimSchBro [10] Applause, Tim! We enjoyed following your adventures. - Jan

— Gatwick Airport LGW (@Gatwick_Airport) December 25, 2016 [11]

@TimSchBro [12] @isobelchillman [13] this thread brought me so much happiness. Much love, much thanks.

— Nicole K (@nickiiiak) December 26, 2016 [14]

Nope, we're not sobbing at this adorable story at all.

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