6 Reasons We Want to Be More Than Friends With Amy Schumer

Sep 21 2015 - 10:15am

How do I love Amy Schumer? Let me count the ways . . .

She’s a feminist

Sure, she makes us laugh, but I just love how her humor always has a feminist bent. Think about it:

She’s forcing women to take a mirror to ourselves. Like in the New Body [1] sketch, where a woman shops in a store for the “new body” she’s going to have since she started working out three hours ago. (Oh please, as if you haven’t done that, too.)

In A Very Realistic Military Game [2], Amy shows us how women and men are treated differently in the military.

And in The Last F-able Day [3], she gathers our favorite celebs to highlight what it’s like to get older in our society when you’re a woman. (Spoiler alert: it’s not great.)

She’s not afraid to tackle really tough, timely issues

She never preaches, but her comedy always points to something that’s true. Her Friday Night Lights parody, Football Town Nights [4], was a dead on parody of an old TV favorite, but it also forced us to think about the violence of sports, and the violence that the athletes bring to their lives off the field. Amy gets us to think about real issues while making us laugh. (Also, her accent was on point. On. POINT.)

She doesn’t just get women — she gets men, too

Amy totally gets how hard dating [5] is. Really hard [6].

And she knows that once you have a boyfriend, it’s not so easy either. (Say fine to the shirt [7])

She’s smart

Amy may play the “dumb blonde” persona, but she knows what’s what. She knows when someone’s messing with you. Like in the DeFears fake engagement video [8], where a woman gets a jewelry box, but there’s no ring in it. (Not like that’s ever happened to me before. OK, OK, it totally has.)

And she knows what we need to work on. In Compliments, Amy speaks the truth about women: we’re very good at giving compliments, but it’s nearly impossible for us to accept praise. [9]

She’s silly

Sometimes she’s just silly and hilarious. I dare you to watch the Milk, Milk, Lemonade [10] sketch and not laugh hysterically.

Or her Aaron Sorkin parody, The Foodroom [11]. You’ll never order apple slices in a fast food kid’s meal the same way again.

She makes us think

In her recent sketch, I’m Sorry [12], she made fun of how women are constantly apologizing for everything. We apologize for when our waiter brings us the wrong food, we apologize when someone gets our name wrong, and we apologize when things aren’t even our fault. It seems like these days we’re apologizing for simply existing. But after watching Amy’s viral sketch, we’re all trying to apologize a lot less.

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