It's a Bird! It's a Plane! No, It's a Penis-Shaped Neckline

Mar 17 2015 - 11:30am

Source: Unilad Magazine [1]

Look at the neckline of Australian news reporter Natarsha Belling's jacket. Keep looking. There it is. Yep, that's a penis you see. And like Unilad Magazine [2] rightly said, "Once you see it, you cannot unsee it . . . " The photo of the outfit that causes this unfortunately phallic trick of the eye has exploded all over the Internet and made the teenager inside of all of us giggle appreciatively. We will say one thing for Natarsha — we definitely couldn't take our eyes off her. If you still don't see it, Facebook user Adam Byrne [3] came to the rescue with this helpful guide:

Source: CBS [4]

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