SNL's "Say What You Wanna Say" Video Says What We're All Really Thinking

Mar 7 2015 - 3:00pm

You've reached that point in a relationship with a "friend" where it's long past the appropriate time to ask for their name, even though you forgot it pretty much as soon as they told you. So what do you do? Probably wait around until they introduce themselves to someone else and hope that you're there for it. Screw that. Brave women in this hilarious SNL skit want you to know that it's OK to tell it exactly like it is, and too bad if other people don't like it. The video is set to Sara Bareilles's "Brave" and shows various women encountering awkward situations. Instead of shying away from them, they say what they want to say, which is pretty much what we're are all thinking anyway.

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