Saturday Horoscopes

Jul 22 2017 - 3:05am

Today's horoscopes come from our partner Astrology.com [1].

Mar 21 - Apr 19
Apr 20 - May 20
You're usually the one who gets things started, and today is no exception. See if you can rally the troops at home so you can all move forward together in the near future. Things should get better fast!
Open up and let someone know what's going on inside -- they can't read your mind, of course, but they are curious and would really like to hear from you. It's easier than ever to speak out.
May 21 - June 21
June 22nd - July 22nd
You feel the urge to get your people moving today -- in one way or another. See if you can get your friends to join you in some new crafting or home repair project -- like an old barn-raising!
Though you may not usually relish the spotlight, for now, you don't seem to mind so much. It's a really good day for you to make the most of your great energy, as all eyes are certainly on you!
July 23 - Aug 22
Aug 23 - Sept 22
It's a really good day for thinking big -- even if it means you don't take any action whatsoever! You should have more time than you realize for deep thoughts, and others are helpful too.
You're not at your best on your own today -- you need the energy of other people to get you going. If you're surrounded by others who share your values, you can perform at your peak.
Sept 23 - Oct 22
Oct 23 - Nov 21
This is not the time to add any work to your list. If your boss, mate or teammates try to get you to start on something new, do whatever it takes to let them know how crazy you feel already!
You should have no trouble at all getting moving today -- in fact, your main trouble might be in stopping at quitting time! You've got plenty of energy, and your peers can't really keep up.
Nov 22 - Dec 21
Dec 22 - Jan 19
Don't let anyone push back against your ideals. You know what's right, and you're sure that the others in your life will at least stand down if you present your case forcefully enough. Go for it!
It's a good idea for you to stay close to home -- at least in spirit -- throughout the day. Check messages, stay in touch with family and make sure that you're up on everything that's going on domestically.
Jan 20 - Feb 18
Feb 19 - Mar 20
Health issues may arise today, but not in the typical way. Maybe it's an odd note from your insurer or a reminder that it's time for a check-up, rather than a sudden runny nose or worn-out feeling.
You're feeling really great today -- so much so that you might end up inspiring friends and coworkers alike. You keep them entertained and inspired, which is no easy feat these days!

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