Saturday Horoscopes

Aug 5 2017 - 3:05am

Today's horoscopes come from our partner Astrology.com [1].

Mar 21 - Apr 19
Apr 20 - May 20
You may be itching for action, but now is a better time for planning and coordinating. Your mental energy is on another plane, and you can make use of it to prepare yourself for the coming battle.
You may find that even your best friends are hard to be around today, thanks to an unpleasant social atmosphere that makes you more irritable than usual. It doesn't last long, though!
May 21 - June 21
June 22nd - July 22nd
That brain power of yours is calling out to be used -- so go for it! You may find that your friends and allies are looking at you funny, but it's just because they're wondering what you're going to come up with next!
You need to be wary of team efforts today -- but not for any sinister reason! You just need to watch out for intellectual conflicts that can turn into serious rifts. Nip them in the bud!
July 23 - Aug 22
Aug 23 - Sept 22
You need to show a little more pride in your efforts -- that humility isn't paying off right now! You don't need to turn into an egomaniac, but talk yourself up a little and see what happens.
You should be able to take care of business today, but you should expect to use some of that hidden flexibility you keep in reserve. Surprise friends and competitors alike and win big!
Sept 23 - Oct 22
Oct 23 - Nov 21
See if you can get your people to move toward something totally new today -- you never know what might come of it! Your great social and mental energies are in perfect sync, so go for it!
Things need to change in a big way if you're going to have a chance -- so make sure to get out at the cutting edge! Once you've made your plan, stick to it until things settle down a bit.
Nov 22 - Dec 21
Dec 22 - Jan 19
Your open mind is the key to success today -- don't reject any idea until it fails on its own. You should be able to open new doors and discover new options with great ease, so watch out!
You should sit down with those you work with most closely -- family, coworkers or whomever -- and lead the group in making plans for the long term. You should come up with something good!
Jan 20 - Feb 18
Feb 19 - Mar 20
You can get almost anything done today -- or launch any new project that feels right! Inspiration is easy to come by for you, so you should be able to improvise and make it all look easy!
You should spread your efforts around today -- there are lots of people who could use your energy! You can sense closure coming in some aspect of your life, so be ready to move on.

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